NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=hitrahr [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [1] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => es ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/category-functions.php [line] => 149 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [3] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => es ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/routes.logic.php [line] => 75 [function] => category_validate_url_alias [args] => Array ( [0] => cc ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 86 [function] => check_for_module [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => cc [2] => electron ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=common_fe [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [1] => Array ( [:country_code] => ve ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 111 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [3] => Array ( [:country_code] => ve ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 93 [function] => get_formula [args] => Array ( [0] => ve ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 355 [function] => course_price_v2_formula [args] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 344 [function] => course_price_change_to_fe_p [args] => Array ( [0] => electron [1] => 7 [2] => za_midrange,pl_2000 [3] => 0 [4] => [5] => USD ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 316 [function] => course_price_get_default_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 15 [function] => course_price_get_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 1850 [adp] => 550 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 1 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 7 [course_code] => electron [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 1850 [adp] => 550 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 1 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 7 [course_code] => electron [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 1850 [adp] => 550 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 1 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 7 [course_code] => electron [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] =>

The training is open to persons who have basic skills in computer, basic editing and formatting text, working in the MS Windows environment, use the services of the Internet.

[overview] =>

The training program prepares you for professional web designer (occupation code: 213202 for Standards of Professional Qualifications) in respect of "HTML and CSS in web design" and includes a programming problem using JavaScript and PHP language.

The following program assumes that the participant will be able to design and make websites using HTML 4.0 and Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. In building a web site, you will use the HTML tags to place text, graphics, tables, and interactive forms on the web page, and also links to other web pages and web sites. Using Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 you will perform formatting of web content according to customer requirements.

Course graduates can seek employment in service companies involved in web designing or start consulting service (self-employed). The training program covers the issues of creating web sites using HTML and CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Using HTML to create Web pages

Use CSS to create web pages



[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] => [overview] =>

El programa de formación te prepara para un diseñador web profesional (código de ocupación: 213202 para Normas de Cualificaciones Profesionales) en relación con "HTML y CSS en diseño web" y incluye un problema de programación utilizando JavaScript y PHP lenguaje.

El siguiente programa asume que el participante será capaz de diseñar y crear sitios web utilizando HTML 4.0 y Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. En la construcción de un sitio web, utilizará las etiquetas HTML para colocar texto, gráficos, tablas y formularios interactivos en la página web, así como enlaces a otras páginas web y sitios web. Con Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 realizarás la formatación de contenido web de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.

Los graduados del curso pueden buscar empleo en empresas de servicios involucradas en el diseño web o comenzar el servicio de consultoría. El programa de formación cubre los problemas de la creación de sitios web utilizando HTML y CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejs [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS is a minimal front-end development framework for composing JavaScript behavior to HTML markups. It provides tools to utilize the reactive and declarative nature of front-end libraries.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and use Alpine JS to enhance JavaScript applications with its reactive and declarative nature.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and use Alpine JS to enhance JavaScript applications with its reactive and declarative nature.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Alpine JS

Installing Alpine JS

Basic Alpine Components


Models and X-ref

Sidebars and Tabs

Image Selection

Scroll Detection

Accordion Toggle and Loops

Fetch and X-init

Attribute binding

Text and HTML

Todo App and X-model


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer el comportamiento del script Java en etiquetas HTML. Proporciona herramientas para utilizar la naturaleza reactiva y declarativa de las bibliotecas front-end.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones de JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejsadv [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS is a minimal front-end development framework for composing behavior directly in your markup. It can use to add interactivity and responsiveness to your web pages.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at advanced-level developers who wish to use the advanced features of Alpine JS for modern and dynamic web development.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at advanced-level developers who wish to use the advanced features of Alpine JS for modern and dynamic web development.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Using the AlpineJs

Alpine JS Directives

Initialization of Alpine JS Component


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer comportamientos directamente en su marcado. Puede usarse para agregar interactividad y capacidad de respuesta a sus páginas web.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que desean utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (online o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que deseen utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejsadv [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => alpinejsadv [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => backbone [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Backbone.js is a JavaScript library. Using Backbone.js, users can provide structure to web applications through models, API of enumerable functions, and views with declarative event handling.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software architects who wish to use Backbone.js to structure web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software architects who wish to use Backbone.js to structure web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>



Preparing the Development Environment





Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Deploying the Application

Securing the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] => [overview] =>

Backbone.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript. Con Backbone.js, los usuarios pueden proporcionar estructura a las aplicaciones web a través de modelos, API de funciones enumerables y vistas con el manejo de eventos declarativos.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a los arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => backbone [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => backbone [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => chartsjs [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Charts.js is a JavaScript framework for building HTML5 based charts.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to use Charts.js to create interactive HTML5 and JavaScript based charts for web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to use Charts.js to create interactive HTML5 and JavaScript based charts for web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Charts.js Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Charts.js Quick Start

Chart Tooltips

Advanced Charts.js

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] => [overview] =>

Charts.js es un marco de JavaScript para la construcción de gráficos basados en HTML5.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a ingenieros de software que desean utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos HTML5 y JavaScript basados para aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a ingenieros de software que deseen utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos basados en HTML5 y JavaScript para aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => chartsjs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => chartsjs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => functionjs [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Functional programming is the evaluation of mathematical functions for computational solutions. Together with JavaScript and functional programming, users can create complex elements and structures for web applications that are not susceptible to side effects and mutations (reduces bugs).

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to use functional program with JavaScript.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to use functional program with JavaScript.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Functional Programming in Depth

Preparing the Development Environment

Immutabe Data Structures

First Class, High-Order, and Array Functions


Advanced Functional Concepts

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

La programación funcional es la evaluación de las funciones matemáticas para las soluciones computacionales. Junto con JavaScript y programación funcional, los usuarios pueden crear elementos y estructuras complejos para las aplicaciones web que no son susceptibles a efectos secundarios y mutaciones (reducen los errores).

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar un programa funcional con JavaScript.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar programas funcionales con JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => functionjs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => functionjs [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => googleappsscript [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Google Apps Script is a JavaScript framework for light-weight development in a G Suite environment. Using Google Apps Script, users can leverage the power of Google products by automating tasks, connecting Google products to data sources, and more.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to use Google Apps Script to develop in a G Suite environment.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to use Google Apps Script to develop in a G Suite environment.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Google Apps Script Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Google Spreadsheet

Stand Alone Scripts

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] => [overview] =>

Google Apps Script es un marco de JavaScript para el desarrollo ligero en un entorno de G Suite. Usando Google Apps Script, los usuarios pueden aprovechar el poder de Goproductos ogle automatizando tareas, conectando Goproductos ogle a fuentes de datos y mucho más.

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor (in situ o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen utilizar Google Apps Script para desarrollarse en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta formación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen usar Google Apps Script para desarrollar en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => googleappsscript [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => googleappsscript [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => grunttask [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Grunt.js is a task runner for automating web development tasks and front-end workflows. With Grunt.js users will be able to minify CSS/Js files, compile pre-processor files and more.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to automate web development tasks with Grunt.js.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at web developers who wish to automate web development tasks with Grunt.js.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Grunt.js and Task Runners

Preparing the Development Environment

Configurations in Grunt.js

Grunt.js Plug-ins

Advanced Features

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] => [overview] =>

Grunt.js es un operador de tareas para automatizar tareas de desarrollo web y flujos de trabajo front-end. Con Grunt.js los usuarios podrán minimizar los archivos CSS/Js, compilar archivos preprocesores y más.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => grunttask [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => grunttask [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Participants will learn programming skills by way of exercises and the creation of a sample web application. 

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner programmers who wish to learn HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for the purpose of building web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at beginner programmers who wish to learn HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for the purpose of building web applications.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Overview of HTML5, Javascript and CSS3

Planning a Well Structured Application

Getting Started

Implementing Programming Logic

Developing the User Interface

Managing Data

Testing the Application

Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] => [overview] =>

Este curso proporciona una introducción a HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de programación a través de ejercicios y la creación de una aplicación web de muestra.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript con el fin de construir aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript con el fin de crear aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "es" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module:66 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 66 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "es" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [3] => 66 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/np_outline/np_outline.module [line] => 25 [function] => np_outline_title [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss4 [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 46 [function] => np_outline_get_value [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

HTML5 is a markup language that allows users to structure and build applications. JavaScript is a text-based programming language that provides tools for creating dynamic and interactive web content. And CSS4 provides tools that are used to define and enhance the style of a website or application.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at programmers who wish to use HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 together to create a web application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at programmers who wish to use HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 together to create a web application.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Working with HTML5

Building a website

Working with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Testing and Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [es] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] => [overview] =>

HTML5 es un lenguaje de marcado que permite a los usuarios estructurar y crear aplicaciones. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación basado en texto que proporciona herramientas para crear contenido web dinámico e interactivo. Y CSS4 proporciona herramientas que se utilizan para definir y mejorar el estilo de un sitio web o aplicación.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a programadores que desean utilizar HTML5, JavaScript y CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores que desean usar HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] => [language] => es [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => 1 [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => 1 ) ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 54 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_cc_langs [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss4 [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 63 [function] => _hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => html5jscss4 [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 74 [function] => hrquery_get_outline_by_course_code [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) [1] => Array ( [0] => en [1] => es ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "en" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "en" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "en" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "en" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "en" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "en" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "en" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "en" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "en" /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "en" [2] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/denorm.logic.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/common/hrquery/frontend/outlines.logic.php [line] => 174 [function] => hrquery_get_outlines_by_course_codes [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 25 [function] => hrquery_outline_get_related [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrave [1] => electron ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php:119 Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [3] => 119 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 119 [function] => header [args] => Array ( [0] => X-CSRF-Token:Tm9ibGVQcm9nMTcxNjAyMzk1Nw== ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 82 [function] => course_generate_csrf_token [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => electron [hr_nid] => 211273 [title] => Electron: Crea una Aplicación de Escritorio con Javascript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Electron (anteriormente conocido como Atom Shell) es un marco de código abierto para crear aplicaciones de escritorio dinámicas con JavaScript, HTML y CSS. Electr es mantenido por GitHub y es el marco principal de GUI detrás del Atom de GitHub, el Código Visual Studio de Microsoft y el IDE de Light Table.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo crear aplicaciones de escritorio nativas multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc>, los participantes aprenderán a crear una aplicación de escritorio nativa multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Para solicitar un esquema de curso personalizado para esta capacitación, comuníquese con nosotros.

[language] => es [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 3227 [alias] => cursos-electron [name] => Electron [english_name] => Electron [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => electron [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [3096] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] =>

The training is open to persons who have basic skills in computer, basic editing and formatting text, working in the MS Windows environment, use the services of the Internet.

[overview] =>

El programa de formación te prepara para un diseñador web profesional (código de ocupación: 213202 para Normas de Cualificaciones Profesionales) en relación con "HTML y CSS en diseño web" y incluye un problema de programación utilizando JavaScript y PHP lenguaje.

El siguiente programa asume que el participante será capaz de diseñar y crear sitios web utilizando HTML 4.0 y Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. En la construcción de un sitio web, utilizará las etiquetas HTML para colocar texto, gráficos, tablas y formularios interactivos en la página web, así como enlaces a otras páginas web y sitios web. Con Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 realizarás la formatación de contenido web de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.

Los graduados del curso pueden buscar empleo en empresas de servicios involucradas en el diseño web o comenzar el servicio de consultoría. El programa de formación cubre los problemas de la creación de sitios web utilizando HTML y CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Using HTML to create Web pages

Use CSS to create web pages



[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3096 ) [alpinejs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer el comportamiento del script Java en etiquetas HTML. Proporciona herramientas para utilizar la naturaleza reactiva y declarativa de las bibliotecas front-end.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones de JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Alpine JS

Installing Alpine JS

Basic Alpine Components


Models and X-ref

Sidebars and Tabs

Image Selection

Scroll Detection

Accordion Toggle and Loops

Fetch and X-init

Attribute binding

Text and HTML

Todo App and X-model


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejs ) [alpinejsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer comportamientos directamente en su marcado. Puede usarse para agregar interactividad y capacidad de respuesta a sus páginas web.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que desean utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (online o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que deseen utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Using the AlpineJs

Alpine JS Directives

Initialization of Alpine JS Component


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejsadv ) [backbone] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Backbone.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript. Con Backbone.js, los usuarios pueden proporcionar estructura a las aplicaciones web a través de modelos, API de funciones enumerables y vistas con el manejo de eventos declarativos.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a los arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>



Preparing the Development Environment





Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Deploying the Application

Securing the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => backbone ) [chartsjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Charts.js es un marco de JavaScript para la construcción de gráficos basados en HTML5.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a ingenieros de software que desean utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos HTML5 y JavaScript basados para aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a ingenieros de software que deseen utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos basados en HTML5 y JavaScript para aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Charts.js Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Charts.js Quick Start

Chart Tooltips

Advanced Charts.js

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => chartsjs ) [ciforjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ciforjs [hr_nid] => 280132 [title] => Integración continua para JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

La integración continua (CI) es una práctica de desarrollo en la que los desarrolladores fusionan los cambios en su código con la mayor frecuencia posible para detectar y localizar errores rápidamente.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los conceptos básicos de Integración continua para JavaScript a medida que avanzan en la configuración de un proceso de Integración continua para un proyecto de JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Descripción del desarrollo ágil y sus ventajas
     Integración continua
     Entrega continua
     Despliegue continuo
Beneficios de usar la integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de las herramientas de integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Git y Gradle

Descripción general de jQuery TestSwarm

Instalación y configuración de jQuery TestSwarm

Usando TestSwarm

Creando un Proyecto en Github

Configuración de un trabajo de integración continua en Jenkins

Conectando a Github y Jenkins

Comprobando y creando un repositorio en Jenkins

Configurando el Proyecto en Jenkins

Configurar el proceso de implementación en Jenkins

Usando PhantomJS para ejecutar pruebas de unidades de JavaScript

Usando JSHint para encontrar errores potenciales

Comprender las mejores prácticas de integración continua para JavaScript

Poniéndolo todo junto: construyendo su sistema de integración continua para JavaScript

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037394 [source_title] => Continuous Integration for JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ciforjs ) [codingfornoncoders] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => codingfornoncoders [hr_nid] => 211505 [title] => Codificación para no codificadores [requirements] => [overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los principios básicos de la programación a medida que avanzan en la creación de una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Visión general de las tecnologías web

Trabajando con HTML

Trabajando con CSS

Descripción de DOM

Programación en JavaScript

Usando marcos de programación

Observaciones finales

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037344 [source_title] => Coding for Non-Coders [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => codingfornoncoders ) [extjsfun] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => extjsfun [hr_nid] => 67974 [title] => Fundamentos de Ext JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Este curso de 3 días demuestra a través de la práctica práctica los fundamentos de Ext JS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Módulo 1. Introducción a Ext JS 5

Módulo 2. Conceptos básicos

Módulo 3. Componentes y Layouts

Módulo 4. Gestión de datos

Módulo 5. Botones, barras de herramientas y formularios

Módulo 6. Descripción del panel Cuadrícula y Árbol

Módulo 7. La arquitectura

Módulo 8. La importancia de la apariencia

Módulo 9. La fase de despliegue

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037134 [source_title] => Ext JS Fundamentals [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => extjsfun ) [functionjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

La programación funcional es la evaluación de las funciones matemáticas para las soluciones computacionales. Junto con JavaScript y programación funcional, los usuarios pueden crear elementos y estructuras complejos para las aplicaciones web que no son susceptibles a efectos secundarios y mutaciones (reducen los errores).

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar un programa funcional con JavaScript.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar programas funcionales con JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Functional Programming in Depth

Preparing the Development Environment

Immutabe Data Structures

First Class, High-Order, and Array Functions


Advanced Functional Concepts

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => functionjs ) [googleappsscript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Google Apps Script es un marco de JavaScript para el desarrollo ligero en un entorno de G Suite. Usando Google Apps Script, los usuarios pueden aprovechar el poder de Goproductos ogle automatizando tareas, conectando Goproductos ogle a fuentes de datos y mucho más.

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor (in situ o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen utilizar Google Apps Script para desarrollarse en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta formación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen usar Google Apps Script para desarrollar en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Google Apps Script Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Google Spreadsheet

Stand Alone Scripts

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => googleappsscript ) [grunttask] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Grunt.js es un operador de tareas para automatizar tareas de desarrollo web y flujos de trabajo front-end. Con Grunt.js los usuarios podrán minimizar los archivos CSS/Js, compilar archivos preprocesores y más.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Grunt.js and Task Runners

Preparing the Development Environment

Configurations in Grunt.js

Grunt.js Plug-ins

Advanced Features

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => grunttask ) [html5jscss] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Este curso proporciona una introducción a HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de programación a través de ejercicios y la creación de una aplicación web de muestra.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript con el fin de construir aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript con el fin de crear aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Overview of HTML5, Javascript and CSS3

Planning a Well Structured Application

Getting Started

Implementing Programming Logic

Developing the User Interface

Managing Data

Testing the Application

Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss ) [html5jscss4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

HTML5 es un lenguaje de marcado que permite a los usuarios estructurar y crear aplicaciones. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación basado en texto que proporciona herramientas para crear contenido web dinámico e interactivo. Y CSS4 proporciona herramientas que se utilizan para definir y mejorar el estilo de un sitio web o aplicación.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a programadores que desean utilizar HTML5, JavaScript y CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores que desean usar HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Working with HTML5

Building a website

Working with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Testing and Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss4 ) [iotjavascript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => iotjavascript [hr_nid] => 281538 [title] => Programación para IoT con JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Internet of Things (IoT) es una infraestructura de red que conecta objetos físicos y aplicaciones de software de forma inalámbrica, lo que les permite comunicarse entre sí e intercambiar datos a través de las comunicaciones de red, la computación en la nube y la captura de datos. JavaScript es un popular lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos recomendado para IoT debido a su naturaleza ubicua.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo programar soluciones de IoT con JavaScript a medida que avanzan en el desarrollo de un panel de control del sistema de IoT.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso


[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introducción al Internet de las cosas (IoT)

Descripción general de la arquitectura de soluciones IoT

El papel de JavaScript en la construcción de sistemas de IoT

Configuración y configuración de Arduino para IoT

Construyendo un Tablero del Sistema IoT con JavaScript

Prueba e implementación de un sistema IoT con Arduino y JavaScript

Solución de problemas

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037413 [source_title] => IoT Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => iotjavascript ) [jsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => jsadv [hr_nid] => 3630 [title] => JavaScript - Programación Avanzada [requirements] => [overview] =>

El entrenamiento está diseñado para desarrolladores de JavaScript, diseñando e implementando aplicaciones avanzadas de Internet. Los temas discutidos durante la capacitación tenían como objetivo traer mejores prácticas en la programación de JavaScript y resaltar los errores más comunes. Un punto importante del entrenamiento es discutir la programación orientada a objetos disponible con la sintaxis JavaScript.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

JavaScript - orientación a objetos

Patrones de diseño

Patrones avanzados de programación de JavaScript


[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350309 [source_title] => JavaScript - Advanced Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => jsadv ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [classroom guaranteed] => 2100 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2100 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [classroom guaranteed] => 2726 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1363 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [classroom guaranteed] => 3351 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1117 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [classroom guaranteed] => 3976 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 994 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [classroom guaranteed] => 4600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 920 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [classroom guaranteed] => 5226 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 871 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [classroom guaranteed] => 5852 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 836 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [classroom guaranteed] => 6472 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 809 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [classroom guaranteed] => 7101 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 789 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [classroom guaranteed] => 7730 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 773 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [adp] => 550 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [adp] => 550 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [adp] => 550 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [adp] => 550 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [adp] => 550 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [adp] => 550 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [adp] => 550 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [adp] => 550 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [adp] => 550 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [adp] => 550 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [351235] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Gerbert de La Vaissière - SAP France [body] => The parts about ElectronJS itself was very interesting and useful [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351235 ) [351203] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Christophe Puget - SAP France [body] => Concepts are deeply explained (esp. around Javascript and node) [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351203 ) ) [7] => 4 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) Electron: Crea una Aplicación de Escritorio con Javascript Training Course

Programa del Curso

Para solicitar un esquema de curso personalizado para esta capacitación, comuníquese con nosotros.


  • Una comprensión de HTML, CSS y JavaScript
 7 horas

Número de participantes

Precio por participante

Testimonios (2)

Cursos Relacionados

Creating and managing Web sites

35 horas

Alpine JS

7 horas

Advanced Alpine JS

14 horas

Backbone.js from Scratch

14 horas

Learning Charts.js

14 horas

Integración continua para JavaScript

14 horas

Codificación para no codificadores

21 horas

Fundamentos de Ext JS

21 horas

Functional Programming with JavaScript

14 horas

Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced

14 horas

Grunt.js for Task Automation

14 horas

HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3

35 horas

HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4

35 horas

Programación para IoT con JavaScript

21 horas

JavaScript - Programación Avanzada

14 horas

Categorías Relacionadas

NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 94 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => electron [hr_nid] => 211273 [title] => Electron: Crea una Aplicación de Escritorio con Javascript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Electron (anteriormente conocido como Atom Shell) es un marco de código abierto para crear aplicaciones de escritorio dinámicas con JavaScript, HTML y CSS. Electr es mantenido por GitHub y es el marco principal de GUI detrás del Atom de GitHub, el Código Visual Studio de Microsoft y el IDE de Light Table.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo crear aplicaciones de escritorio nativas multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc>, los participantes aprenderán a crear una aplicación de escritorio nativa multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Para solicitar un esquema de curso personalizado para esta capacitación, comuníquese con nosotros.

[language] => es [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 3227 [alias] => cursos-electron [name] => Electron [english_name] => Electron [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => electron [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [3096] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] =>

The training is open to persons who have basic skills in computer, basic editing and formatting text, working in the MS Windows environment, use the services of the Internet.

[overview] =>

El programa de formación te prepara para un diseñador web profesional (código de ocupación: 213202 para Normas de Cualificaciones Profesionales) en relación con "HTML y CSS en diseño web" y incluye un problema de programación utilizando JavaScript y PHP lenguaje.

El siguiente programa asume que el participante será capaz de diseñar y crear sitios web utilizando HTML 4.0 y Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. En la construcción de un sitio web, utilizará las etiquetas HTML para colocar texto, gráficos, tablas y formularios interactivos en la página web, así como enlaces a otras páginas web y sitios web. Con Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 realizarás la formatación de contenido web de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.

Los graduados del curso pueden buscar empleo en empresas de servicios involucradas en el diseño web o comenzar el servicio de consultoría. El programa de formación cubre los problemas de la creación de sitios web utilizando HTML y CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Using HTML to create Web pages

Use CSS to create web pages



[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3096 ) [alpinejs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer el comportamiento del script Java en etiquetas HTML. Proporciona herramientas para utilizar la naturaleza reactiva y declarativa de las bibliotecas front-end.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones de JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Alpine JS

Installing Alpine JS

Basic Alpine Components


Models and X-ref

Sidebars and Tabs

Image Selection

Scroll Detection

Accordion Toggle and Loops

Fetch and X-init

Attribute binding

Text and HTML

Todo App and X-model


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejs ) [alpinejsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer comportamientos directamente en su marcado. Puede usarse para agregar interactividad y capacidad de respuesta a sus páginas web.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que desean utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (online o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que deseen utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Using the AlpineJs

Alpine JS Directives

Initialization of Alpine JS Component


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejsadv ) [backbone] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Backbone.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript. Con Backbone.js, los usuarios pueden proporcionar estructura a las aplicaciones web a través de modelos, API de funciones enumerables y vistas con el manejo de eventos declarativos.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a los arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>



Preparing the Development Environment





Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Deploying the Application

Securing the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => backbone ) [chartsjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Charts.js es un marco de JavaScript para la construcción de gráficos basados en HTML5.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a ingenieros de software que desean utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos HTML5 y JavaScript basados para aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a ingenieros de software que deseen utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos basados en HTML5 y JavaScript para aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Charts.js Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Charts.js Quick Start

Chart Tooltips

Advanced Charts.js

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => chartsjs ) [ciforjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ciforjs [hr_nid] => 280132 [title] => Integración continua para JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

La integración continua (CI) es una práctica de desarrollo en la que los desarrolladores fusionan los cambios en su código con la mayor frecuencia posible para detectar y localizar errores rápidamente.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los conceptos básicos de Integración continua para JavaScript a medida que avanzan en la configuración de un proceso de Integración continua para un proyecto de JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Descripción del desarrollo ágil y sus ventajas
     Integración continua
     Entrega continua
     Despliegue continuo
Beneficios de usar la integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de las herramientas de integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Git y Gradle

Descripción general de jQuery TestSwarm

Instalación y configuración de jQuery TestSwarm

Usando TestSwarm

Creando un Proyecto en Github

Configuración de un trabajo de integración continua en Jenkins

Conectando a Github y Jenkins

Comprobando y creando un repositorio en Jenkins

Configurando el Proyecto en Jenkins

Configurar el proceso de implementación en Jenkins

Usando PhantomJS para ejecutar pruebas de unidades de JavaScript

Usando JSHint para encontrar errores potenciales

Comprender las mejores prácticas de integración continua para JavaScript

Poniéndolo todo junto: construyendo su sistema de integración continua para JavaScript

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037394 [source_title] => Continuous Integration for JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ciforjs ) [codingfornoncoders] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => codingfornoncoders [hr_nid] => 211505 [title] => Codificación para no codificadores [requirements] => [overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los principios básicos de la programación a medida que avanzan en la creación de una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Visión general de las tecnologías web

Trabajando con HTML

Trabajando con CSS

Descripción de DOM

Programación en JavaScript

Usando marcos de programación

Observaciones finales

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037344 [source_title] => Coding for Non-Coders [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => codingfornoncoders ) [extjsfun] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => extjsfun [hr_nid] => 67974 [title] => Fundamentos de Ext JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Este curso de 3 días demuestra a través de la práctica práctica los fundamentos de Ext JS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Módulo 1. Introducción a Ext JS 5

Módulo 2. Conceptos básicos

Módulo 3. Componentes y Layouts

Módulo 4. Gestión de datos

Módulo 5. Botones, barras de herramientas y formularios

Módulo 6. Descripción del panel Cuadrícula y Árbol

Módulo 7. La arquitectura

Módulo 8. La importancia de la apariencia

Módulo 9. La fase de despliegue

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037134 [source_title] => Ext JS Fundamentals [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => extjsfun ) [functionjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

La programación funcional es la evaluación de las funciones matemáticas para las soluciones computacionales. Junto con JavaScript y programación funcional, los usuarios pueden crear elementos y estructuras complejos para las aplicaciones web que no son susceptibles a efectos secundarios y mutaciones (reducen los errores).

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar un programa funcional con JavaScript.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar programas funcionales con JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Functional Programming in Depth

Preparing the Development Environment

Immutabe Data Structures

First Class, High-Order, and Array Functions


Advanced Functional Concepts

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => functionjs ) [googleappsscript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Google Apps Script es un marco de JavaScript para el desarrollo ligero en un entorno de G Suite. Usando Google Apps Script, los usuarios pueden aprovechar el poder de Goproductos ogle automatizando tareas, conectando Goproductos ogle a fuentes de datos y mucho más.

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor (in situ o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen utilizar Google Apps Script para desarrollarse en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta formación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen usar Google Apps Script para desarrollar en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Google Apps Script Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Google Spreadsheet

Stand Alone Scripts

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => googleappsscript ) [grunttask] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Grunt.js es un operador de tareas para automatizar tareas de desarrollo web y flujos de trabajo front-end. Con Grunt.js los usuarios podrán minimizar los archivos CSS/Js, compilar archivos preprocesores y más.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Grunt.js and Task Runners

Preparing the Development Environment

Configurations in Grunt.js

Grunt.js Plug-ins

Advanced Features

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => grunttask ) [html5jscss] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Este curso proporciona una introducción a HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de programación a través de ejercicios y la creación de una aplicación web de muestra.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript con el fin de construir aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript con el fin de crear aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Overview of HTML5, Javascript and CSS3

Planning a Well Structured Application

Getting Started

Implementing Programming Logic

Developing the User Interface

Managing Data

Testing the Application

Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss ) [html5jscss4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

HTML5 es un lenguaje de marcado que permite a los usuarios estructurar y crear aplicaciones. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación basado en texto que proporciona herramientas para crear contenido web dinámico e interactivo. Y CSS4 proporciona herramientas que se utilizan para definir y mejorar el estilo de un sitio web o aplicación.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a programadores que desean utilizar HTML5, JavaScript y CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores que desean usar HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Working with HTML5

Building a website

Working with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Testing and Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss4 ) [iotjavascript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => iotjavascript [hr_nid] => 281538 [title] => Programación para IoT con JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Internet of Things (IoT) es una infraestructura de red que conecta objetos físicos y aplicaciones de software de forma inalámbrica, lo que les permite comunicarse entre sí e intercambiar datos a través de las comunicaciones de red, la computación en la nube y la captura de datos. JavaScript es un popular lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos recomendado para IoT debido a su naturaleza ubicua.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo programar soluciones de IoT con JavaScript a medida que avanzan en el desarrollo de un panel de control del sistema de IoT.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso


[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introducción al Internet de las cosas (IoT)

Descripción general de la arquitectura de soluciones IoT

El papel de JavaScript en la construcción de sistemas de IoT

Configuración y configuración de Arduino para IoT

Construyendo un Tablero del Sistema IoT con JavaScript

Prueba e implementación de un sistema IoT con Arduino y JavaScript

Solución de problemas

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037413 [source_title] => IoT Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => iotjavascript ) [jsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => jsadv [hr_nid] => 3630 [title] => JavaScript - Programación Avanzada [requirements] => [overview] =>

El entrenamiento está diseñado para desarrolladores de JavaScript, diseñando e implementando aplicaciones avanzadas de Internet. Los temas discutidos durante la capacitación tenían como objetivo traer mejores prácticas en la programación de JavaScript y resaltar los errores más comunes. Un punto importante del entrenamiento es discutir la programación orientada a objetos disponible con la sintaxis JavaScript.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

JavaScript - orientación a objetos

Patrones de diseño

Patrones avanzados de programación de JavaScript


[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350309 [source_title] => JavaScript - Advanced Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => jsadv ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [classroom guaranteed] => 2100 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2100 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [classroom guaranteed] => 2726 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1363 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [classroom guaranteed] => 3351 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1117 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [classroom guaranteed] => 3976 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 994 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [classroom guaranteed] => 4600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 920 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [classroom guaranteed] => 5226 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 871 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [classroom guaranteed] => 5852 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 836 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [classroom guaranteed] => 6472 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 809 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [classroom guaranteed] => 7101 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 789 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [classroom guaranteed] => 7730 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 773 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [adp] => 550 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [adp] => 550 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [adp] => 550 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [adp] => 550 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [adp] => 550 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [adp] => 550 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [adp] => 550 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [adp] => 550 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [adp] => 550 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [adp] => 550 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [351235] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Gerbert de La Vaissière - SAP France [body] => The parts about ElectronJS itself was very interesting and useful [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351235 ) [351203] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Christophe Puget - SAP France [body] => Concepts are deeply explained (esp. around Javascript and node) [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351203 ) ) [7] => 4 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "devel_domain" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "devel_domain" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 99 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => devel_domain [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => electron [hr_nid] => 211273 [title] => Electron: Crea una Aplicación de Escritorio con Javascript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Electron (anteriormente conocido como Atom Shell) es un marco de código abierto para crear aplicaciones de escritorio dinámicas con JavaScript, HTML y CSS. Electr es mantenido por GitHub y es el marco principal de GUI detrás del Atom de GitHub, el Código Visual Studio de Microsoft y el IDE de Light Table.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo crear aplicaciones de escritorio nativas multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc>, los participantes aprenderán a crear una aplicación de escritorio nativa multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Para solicitar un esquema de curso personalizado para esta capacitación, comuníquese con nosotros.

[language] => es [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 3227 [alias] => cursos-electron [name] => Electron [english_name] => Electron [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => electron [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [3096] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] =>

The training is open to persons who have basic skills in computer, basic editing and formatting text, working in the MS Windows environment, use the services of the Internet.

[overview] =>

El programa de formación te prepara para un diseñador web profesional (código de ocupación: 213202 para Normas de Cualificaciones Profesionales) en relación con "HTML y CSS en diseño web" y incluye un problema de programación utilizando JavaScript y PHP lenguaje.

El siguiente programa asume que el participante será capaz de diseñar y crear sitios web utilizando HTML 4.0 y Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. En la construcción de un sitio web, utilizará las etiquetas HTML para colocar texto, gráficos, tablas y formularios interactivos en la página web, así como enlaces a otras páginas web y sitios web. Con Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 realizarás la formatación de contenido web de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.

Los graduados del curso pueden buscar empleo en empresas de servicios involucradas en el diseño web o comenzar el servicio de consultoría. El programa de formación cubre los problemas de la creación de sitios web utilizando HTML y CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Using HTML to create Web pages

Use CSS to create web pages



[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3096 ) [alpinejs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer el comportamiento del script Java en etiquetas HTML. Proporciona herramientas para utilizar la naturaleza reactiva y declarativa de las bibliotecas front-end.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones de JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Alpine JS

Installing Alpine JS

Basic Alpine Components


Models and X-ref

Sidebars and Tabs

Image Selection

Scroll Detection

Accordion Toggle and Loops

Fetch and X-init

Attribute binding

Text and HTML

Todo App and X-model


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejs ) [alpinejsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer comportamientos directamente en su marcado. Puede usarse para agregar interactividad y capacidad de respuesta a sus páginas web.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que desean utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (online o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que deseen utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Using the AlpineJs

Alpine JS Directives

Initialization of Alpine JS Component


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejsadv ) [backbone] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Backbone.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript. Con Backbone.js, los usuarios pueden proporcionar estructura a las aplicaciones web a través de modelos, API de funciones enumerables y vistas con el manejo de eventos declarativos.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a los arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>



Preparing the Development Environment





Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Deploying the Application

Securing the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => backbone ) [chartsjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Charts.js es un marco de JavaScript para la construcción de gráficos basados en HTML5.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a ingenieros de software que desean utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos HTML5 y JavaScript basados para aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a ingenieros de software que deseen utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos basados en HTML5 y JavaScript para aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Charts.js Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Charts.js Quick Start

Chart Tooltips

Advanced Charts.js

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => chartsjs ) [ciforjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ciforjs [hr_nid] => 280132 [title] => Integración continua para JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

La integración continua (CI) es una práctica de desarrollo en la que los desarrolladores fusionan los cambios en su código con la mayor frecuencia posible para detectar y localizar errores rápidamente.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los conceptos básicos de Integración continua para JavaScript a medida que avanzan en la configuración de un proceso de Integración continua para un proyecto de JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Descripción del desarrollo ágil y sus ventajas
     Integración continua
     Entrega continua
     Despliegue continuo
Beneficios de usar la integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de las herramientas de integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Git y Gradle

Descripción general de jQuery TestSwarm

Instalación y configuración de jQuery TestSwarm

Usando TestSwarm

Creando un Proyecto en Github

Configuración de un trabajo de integración continua en Jenkins

Conectando a Github y Jenkins

Comprobando y creando un repositorio en Jenkins

Configurando el Proyecto en Jenkins

Configurar el proceso de implementación en Jenkins

Usando PhantomJS para ejecutar pruebas de unidades de JavaScript

Usando JSHint para encontrar errores potenciales

Comprender las mejores prácticas de integración continua para JavaScript

Poniéndolo todo junto: construyendo su sistema de integración continua para JavaScript

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037394 [source_title] => Continuous Integration for JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ciforjs ) [codingfornoncoders] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => codingfornoncoders [hr_nid] => 211505 [title] => Codificación para no codificadores [requirements] => [overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los principios básicos de la programación a medida que avanzan en la creación de una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Visión general de las tecnologías web

Trabajando con HTML

Trabajando con CSS

Descripción de DOM

Programación en JavaScript

Usando marcos de programación

Observaciones finales

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037344 [source_title] => Coding for Non-Coders [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => codingfornoncoders ) [extjsfun] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => extjsfun [hr_nid] => 67974 [title] => Fundamentos de Ext JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Este curso de 3 días demuestra a través de la práctica práctica los fundamentos de Ext JS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Módulo 1. Introducción a Ext JS 5

Módulo 2. Conceptos básicos

Módulo 3. Componentes y Layouts

Módulo 4. Gestión de datos

Módulo 5. Botones, barras de herramientas y formularios

Módulo 6. Descripción del panel Cuadrícula y Árbol

Módulo 7. La arquitectura

Módulo 8. La importancia de la apariencia

Módulo 9. La fase de despliegue

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037134 [source_title] => Ext JS Fundamentals [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => extjsfun ) [functionjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

La programación funcional es la evaluación de las funciones matemáticas para las soluciones computacionales. Junto con JavaScript y programación funcional, los usuarios pueden crear elementos y estructuras complejos para las aplicaciones web que no son susceptibles a efectos secundarios y mutaciones (reducen los errores).

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar un programa funcional con JavaScript.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar programas funcionales con JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Functional Programming in Depth

Preparing the Development Environment

Immutabe Data Structures

First Class, High-Order, and Array Functions


Advanced Functional Concepts

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => functionjs ) [googleappsscript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Google Apps Script es un marco de JavaScript para el desarrollo ligero en un entorno de G Suite. Usando Google Apps Script, los usuarios pueden aprovechar el poder de Goproductos ogle automatizando tareas, conectando Goproductos ogle a fuentes de datos y mucho más.

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor (in situ o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen utilizar Google Apps Script para desarrollarse en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta formación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen usar Google Apps Script para desarrollar en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Google Apps Script Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Google Spreadsheet

Stand Alone Scripts

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => googleappsscript ) [grunttask] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Grunt.js es un operador de tareas para automatizar tareas de desarrollo web y flujos de trabajo front-end. Con Grunt.js los usuarios podrán minimizar los archivos CSS/Js, compilar archivos preprocesores y más.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Grunt.js and Task Runners

Preparing the Development Environment

Configurations in Grunt.js

Grunt.js Plug-ins

Advanced Features

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => grunttask ) [html5jscss] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Este curso proporciona una introducción a HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de programación a través de ejercicios y la creación de una aplicación web de muestra.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript con el fin de construir aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript con el fin de crear aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Overview of HTML5, Javascript and CSS3

Planning a Well Structured Application

Getting Started

Implementing Programming Logic

Developing the User Interface

Managing Data

Testing the Application

Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss ) [html5jscss4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

HTML5 es un lenguaje de marcado que permite a los usuarios estructurar y crear aplicaciones. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación basado en texto que proporciona herramientas para crear contenido web dinámico e interactivo. Y CSS4 proporciona herramientas que se utilizan para definir y mejorar el estilo de un sitio web o aplicación.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a programadores que desean utilizar HTML5, JavaScript y CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores que desean usar HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Working with HTML5

Building a website

Working with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Testing and Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss4 ) [iotjavascript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => iotjavascript [hr_nid] => 281538 [title] => Programación para IoT con JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Internet of Things (IoT) es una infraestructura de red que conecta objetos físicos y aplicaciones de software de forma inalámbrica, lo que les permite comunicarse entre sí e intercambiar datos a través de las comunicaciones de red, la computación en la nube y la captura de datos. JavaScript es un popular lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos recomendado para IoT debido a su naturaleza ubicua.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo programar soluciones de IoT con JavaScript a medida que avanzan en el desarrollo de un panel de control del sistema de IoT.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso


[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introducción al Internet de las cosas (IoT)

Descripción general de la arquitectura de soluciones IoT

El papel de JavaScript en la construcción de sistemas de IoT

Configuración y configuración de Arduino para IoT

Construyendo un Tablero del Sistema IoT con JavaScript

Prueba e implementación de un sistema IoT con Arduino y JavaScript

Solución de problemas

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037413 [source_title] => IoT Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => iotjavascript ) [jsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => jsadv [hr_nid] => 3630 [title] => JavaScript - Programación Avanzada [requirements] => [overview] =>

El entrenamiento está diseñado para desarrolladores de JavaScript, diseñando e implementando aplicaciones avanzadas de Internet. Los temas discutidos durante la capacitación tenían como objetivo traer mejores prácticas en la programación de JavaScript y resaltar los errores más comunes. Un punto importante del entrenamiento es discutir la programación orientada a objetos disponible con la sintaxis JavaScript.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

JavaScript - orientación a objetos

Patrones de diseño

Patrones avanzados de programación de JavaScript


[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350309 [source_title] => JavaScript - Advanced Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => jsadv ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [classroom guaranteed] => 2100 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2100 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [classroom guaranteed] => 2726 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1363 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [classroom guaranteed] => 3351 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1117 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [classroom guaranteed] => 3976 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 994 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [classroom guaranteed] => 4600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 920 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [classroom guaranteed] => 5226 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 871 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [classroom guaranteed] => 5852 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 836 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [classroom guaranteed] => 6472 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 809 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [classroom guaranteed] => 7101 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 789 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [classroom guaranteed] => 7730 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 773 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [adp] => 550 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [adp] => 550 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [adp] => 550 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [adp] => 550 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [adp] => 550 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [adp] => 550 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [adp] => 550 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [adp] => 550 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [adp] => 550 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [adp] => 550 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [351235] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Gerbert de La Vaissière - SAP France [body] => The parts about ElectronJS itself was very interesting and useful [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351235 ) [351203] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Christophe Puget - SAP France [body] => Concepts are deeply explained (esp. around Javascript and node) [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351203 ) ) [7] => 4 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 44 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => electron [hr_nid] => 211273 [title] => Electron: Crea una Aplicación de Escritorio con Javascript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Electron (anteriormente conocido como Atom Shell) es un marco de código abierto para crear aplicaciones de escritorio dinámicas con JavaScript, HTML y CSS. Electr es mantenido por GitHub y es el marco principal de GUI detrás del Atom de GitHub, el Código Visual Studio de Microsoft y el IDE de Light Table.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo crear aplicaciones de escritorio nativas multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc>, los participantes aprenderán a crear una aplicación de escritorio nativa multiplataforma utilizando solo Javascript, HTML y CSS.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Para solicitar un esquema de curso personalizado para esta capacitación, comuníquese con nosotros.

[language] => es [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1715349914 [source_title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 3227 [alias] => cursos-electron [name] => Electron [english_name] => Electron [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => electron [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [3096] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3096 [hr_nid] => 3096 [title] => Creating and managing Web sites [requirements] =>

The training is open to persons who have basic skills in computer, basic editing and formatting text, working in the MS Windows environment, use the services of the Internet.

[overview] =>

El programa de formación te prepara para un diseñador web profesional (código de ocupación: 213202 para Normas de Cualificaciones Profesionales) en relación con "HTML y CSS en diseño web" y incluye un problema de programación utilizando JavaScript y PHP lenguaje.

El siguiente programa asume que el participante será capaz de diseñar y crear sitios web utilizando HTML 4.0 y Cascading Style Sheets 2.0. En la construcción de un sitio web, utilizará las etiquetas HTML para colocar texto, gráficos, tablas y formularios interactivos en la página web, así como enlaces a otras páginas web y sitios web. Con Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 realizarás la formatación de contenido web de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente.

Los graduados del curso pueden buscar empleo en empresas de servicios involucradas en el diseño web o comenzar el servicio de consultoría. El programa de formación cubre los problemas de la creación de sitios web utilizando HTML y CSS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Using HTML to create Web pages

Use CSS to create web pages



[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037104 [source_title] => Creating and managing Web sites [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3096 ) [alpinejs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejs [hr_nid] => 405567 [title] => Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer el comportamiento del script Java en etiquetas HTML. Proporciona herramientas para utilizar la naturaleza reactiva y declarativa de las bibliotecas front-end.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores que desean aprender y usar Alpine JS para mejorar las aplicaciones de JavaScript con su naturaleza reactiva y declarativa.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Alpine JS

Installing Alpine JS

Basic Alpine Components


Models and X-ref

Sidebars and Tabs

Image Selection

Scroll Detection

Accordion Toggle and Loops

Fetch and X-init

Attribute binding

Text and HTML

Todo App and X-model


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 7 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037869 [source_title] => Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1002 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejs ) [alpinejsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => alpinejsadv [hr_nid] => 440147 [title] => Advanced Alpine JS [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Alpine JS es un marco de desarrollo front-end mínimo para componer comportamientos directamente en su marcado. Puede usarse para agregar interactividad y capacidad de respuesta a sus páginas web.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que desean utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (online o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores de nivel avanzado que deseen utilizar las funciones avanzadas de Alpine JS para un desarrollo web moderno y dinámico.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Using the AlpineJs

Alpine JS Directives

Initialization of Alpine JS Component


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037949 [source_title] => Advanced Alpine JS [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1004 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => alpinejsadv ) [backbone] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => backbone [hr_nid] => 333899 [title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Backbone.js es una biblioteca de JavaScript. Con Backbone.js, los usuarios pueden proporcionar estructura a las aplicaciones web a través de modelos, API de funciones enumerables y vistas con el manejo de eventos declarativos.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a los arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a arquitectos de software que desean utilizar Backbone.js para estructurar aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>



Preparing the Development Environment





Testing the Application

Debugging the Application

Deploying the Application

Securing the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037588 [source_title] => Backbone.js from Scratch [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => backbone ) [chartsjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => chartsjs [hr_nid] => 336703 [title] => Learning Charts.js [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Charts.js es un marco de JavaScript para la construcción de gráficos basados en HTML5.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a ingenieros de software que desean utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos HTML5 y JavaScript basados para aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a ingenieros de software que deseen utilizar Charts.js para crear gráficos interactivos basados en HTML5 y JavaScript para aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Charts.js Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Charts.js Quick Start

Chart Tooltips

Advanced Charts.js

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037607 [source_title] => Learning Charts.js [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => chartsjs ) [ciforjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => ciforjs [hr_nid] => 280132 [title] => Integración continua para JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

La integración continua (CI) es una práctica de desarrollo en la que los desarrolladores fusionan los cambios en su código con la mayor frecuencia posible para detectar y localizar errores rápidamente.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los conceptos básicos de Integración continua para JavaScript a medida que avanzan en la configuración de un proceso de Integración continua para un proyecto de JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Descripción del desarrollo ágil y sus ventajas
     Integración continua
     Entrega continua
     Despliegue continuo
Beneficios de usar la integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de las herramientas de integración continua para JavaScript

Descripción general de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Jenkins

Instalación y configuración de Git y Gradle

Descripción general de jQuery TestSwarm

Instalación y configuración de jQuery TestSwarm

Usando TestSwarm

Creando un Proyecto en Github

Configuración de un trabajo de integración continua en Jenkins

Conectando a Github y Jenkins

Comprobando y creando un repositorio en Jenkins

Configurando el Proyecto en Jenkins

Configurar el proceso de implementación en Jenkins

Usando PhantomJS para ejecutar pruebas de unidades de JavaScript

Usando JSHint para encontrar errores potenciales

Comprender las mejores prácticas de integración continua para JavaScript

Poniéndolo todo junto: construyendo su sistema de integración continua para JavaScript

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037394 [source_title] => Continuous Integration for JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => ciforjs ) [codingfornoncoders] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => codingfornoncoders [hr_nid] => 211505 [title] => Codificación para no codificadores [requirements] => [overview] =>

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán los principios básicos de la programación a medida que avanzan en la creación de una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Visión general de las tecnologías web

Trabajando con HTML

Trabajando con CSS

Descripción de DOM

Programación en JavaScript

Usando marcos de programación

Observaciones finales

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037344 [source_title] => Coding for Non-Coders [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => codingfornoncoders ) [extjsfun] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => extjsfun [hr_nid] => 67974 [title] => Fundamentos de Ext JS [requirements] => [overview] =>

Este curso de 3 días demuestra a través de la práctica práctica los fundamentos de Ext JS.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Módulo 1. Introducción a Ext JS 5

Módulo 2. Conceptos básicos

Módulo 3. Componentes y Layouts

Módulo 4. Gestión de datos

Módulo 5. Botones, barras de herramientas y formularios

Módulo 6. Descripción del panel Cuadrícula y Árbol

Módulo 7. La arquitectura

Módulo 8. La importancia de la apariencia

Módulo 9. La fase de despliegue

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037134 [source_title] => Ext JS Fundamentals [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => extjsfun ) [functionjs] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => functionjs [hr_nid] => 331583 [title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

La programación funcional es la evaluación de las funciones matemáticas para las soluciones computacionales. Junto con JavaScript y programación funcional, los usuarios pueden crear elementos y estructuras complejos para las aplicaciones web que no son susceptibles a efectos secundarios y mutaciones (reducen los errores).

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar un programa funcional con JavaScript.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean utilizar programas funcionales con JavaScript.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Functional Programming in Depth

Preparing the Development Environment

Immutabe Data Structures

First Class, High-Order, and Array Functions


Advanced Functional Concepts

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Functional Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => functionjs ) [googleappsscript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => googleappsscript [hr_nid] => 333619 [title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Google Apps Script es un marco de JavaScript para el desarrollo ligero en un entorno de G Suite. Usando Google Apps Script, los usuarios pueden aprovechar el poder de Goproductos ogle automatizando tareas, conectando Goproductos ogle a fuentes de datos y mucho más.

Esta formación en directo dirigida por un instructor (in situ o remota) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen utilizar Google Apps Script para desarrollarse en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta formación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o presencial) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que deseen usar Google Apps Script para desarrollar en un entorno de G Suite.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Google Apps Script Overview

Preparing the Development Environment

Google Spreadsheet

Stand Alone Scripts

Google Drive


Google Calendar

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037586 [source_title] => Google Apps Script: Beginner to Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => googleappsscript ) [grunttask] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => grunttask [hr_nid] => 331587 [title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [requirements] =>



[overview] =>

Grunt.js es un operador de tareas para automatizar tareas de desarrollo web y flujos de trabajo front-end. Con Grunt.js los usuarios podrán minimizar los archivos CSS/Js, compilar archivos preprocesores y más.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a desarrolladores web que desean automatizar tareas de desarrollo web con Grunt.js.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Grunt.js and Task Runners

Preparing the Development Environment

Configurations in Grunt.js

Grunt.js Plug-ins

Advanced Features

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037566 [source_title] => Grunt.js for Task Automation [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => grunttask ) [html5jscss] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss [hr_nid] => 350563 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Este curso proporciona una introducción a HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript. Los participantes aprenderán habilidades de programación a través de ejercicios y la creación de una aplicación web de muestra.

Este entrenamiento guiado por instructores, en vivo (online o on-site) está dirigido a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3, y JavaScript con el fin de construir aplicaciones web.

Al final de este curso, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de Customización de Curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores principiantes que desean aprender HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript con el fin de crear aplicaciones web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Overview of HTML5, Javascript and CSS3

Planning a Well Structured Application

Getting Started

Implementing Programming Logic

Developing the User Interface

Managing Data

Testing the Application

Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037675 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss ) [html5jscss4] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => html5jscss4 [hr_nid] => 411687 [title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

HTML5 es un lenguaje de marcado que permite a los usuarios estructurar y crear aplicaciones. JavaScript es un lenguaje de programación basado en texto que proporciona herramientas para crear contenido web dinámico e interactivo. Y CSS4 proporciona herramientas que se utilizan para definir y mejorar el estilo de un sitio web o aplicación.

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor (en el sitio o remota) está dirigida a programadores que desean utilizar HTML5, JavaScript y CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al finalizar esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:

Formato del curso

Opciones de personalización del curso

[category_overview] =>

Esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor en <loc> (en línea o en el sitio) está dirigida a programadores que desean usar HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 juntos para crear una aplicación web.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes serán capaces de:

[outline] =>


Getting Started

Working with HTML5

Building a website

Working with CSS4

Fundamentals of JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript Concepts

Testing and Extending the Application

Deploying the Application


Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037886 [source_title] => HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4 [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => html5jscss4 ) [iotjavascript] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => iotjavascript [hr_nid] => 281538 [title] => Programación para IoT con JavaScript [requirements] => [overview] =>

Internet of Things (IoT) es una infraestructura de red que conecta objetos físicos y aplicaciones de software de forma inalámbrica, lo que les permite comunicarse entre sí e intercambiar datos a través de las comunicaciones de red, la computación en la nube y la captura de datos. JavaScript es un popular lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos recomendado para IoT debido a su naturaleza ubicua.

En esta capacitación en vivo dirigida por un instructor, los participantes aprenderán cómo programar soluciones de IoT con JavaScript a medida que avanzan en el desarrollo de un panel de control del sistema de IoT.

Al final de esta capacitación, los participantes podrán:


Formato del curso


[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introducción al Internet de las cosas (IoT)

Descripción general de la arquitectura de soluciones IoT

El papel de JavaScript en la construcción de sistemas de IoT

Configuración y configuración de Arduino para IoT

Construyendo un Tablero del Sistema IoT con JavaScript

Prueba e implementación de un sistema IoT con Arduino y JavaScript

Solución de problemas

Resumen y conclusión

[language] => es [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037413 [source_title] => IoT Programming with JavaScript [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => 1 [field_prerequisits] => 1 [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => iotjavascript ) [jsadv] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => jsadv [hr_nid] => 3630 [title] => JavaScript - Programación Avanzada [requirements] => [overview] =>

El entrenamiento está diseñado para desarrolladores de JavaScript, diseñando e implementando aplicaciones avanzadas de Internet. Los temas discutidos durante la capacitación tenían como objetivo traer mejores prácticas en la programación de JavaScript y resaltar los errores más comunes. Un punto importante del entrenamiento es discutir la programación orientada a objetos disponible con la sintaxis JavaScript.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

JavaScript - orientación a objetos

Patrones de diseño

Patrones avanzados de programación de JavaScript


[language] => es [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1715350309 [source_title] => JavaScript - Advanced Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => jsadv ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => 3096 [1] => alpinejs [2] => alpinejsadv [3] => backbone [4] => chartsjs [5] => ciforjs [6] => codingfornoncoders [7] => extjsfun [8] => functionjs [9] => googleappsscript [10] => grunttask [11] => html5jscss [12] => html5jscss4 [13] => iotjavascript [14] => jsadv ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [classroom guaranteed] => 2100 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2100 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [classroom guaranteed] => 2726 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1363 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [classroom guaranteed] => 3351 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1117 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [classroom guaranteed] => 3976 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 994 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [classroom guaranteed] => 4600 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 920 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [classroom guaranteed] => 5226 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 871 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [classroom guaranteed] => 5852 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 836 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [classroom guaranteed] => 6472 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 809 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [classroom guaranteed] => 7101 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 789 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [classroom guaranteed] => 7730 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 550 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 773 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 1850 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1850 [adp] => 550 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1200 [adp] => 550 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 2949 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 983 [adp] => 550 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3500 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 875 [adp] => 550 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4050 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 810 [adp] => 550 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4602 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 767 [adp] => 550 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5152 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 736 [adp] => 550 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5704 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 713 [adp] => 550 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6246 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 694 [adp] => 550 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6800 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 680 [adp] => 550 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 4 ) [6] => Array ( [351235] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Gerbert de La Vaissière - SAP France [body] => The parts about ElectronJS itself was very interesting and useful [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351235 ) [351203] => Array ( [title] => Electron: Build a Desktop Application with Javascript [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Christophe Puget - SAP France [body] => Concepts are deeply explained (esp. around Javascript and node) [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 351203 ) ) [7] => 4 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /cc/electron ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) )