NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=hitrahr [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => hitrahr [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [1] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/category-functions.php [line] => 149 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => hitrahr [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_url_alias WHERE field_url_alias_value = :alias AND entity_type = 'taxonomy_term' AND language = :language [3] => Array ( [:alias] => cc [:language] => en ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/routes.logic.php [line] => 75 [function] => category_validate_url_alias [args] => Array ( [0] => cc ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 86 [function] => check_for_module [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => cc [2] => scalaadvanced [3] => en ) ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "mysql_identifier_quote_character" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 397 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql_identifier_quote_character [1] => ` ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 329 [function] => setPrefix [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [default] => ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/mysql/ [line] => 349 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;charset=utf8;dbname=common_fe [1] => root [2] => asdf [3] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1796 [function] => __construct [class] => DatabaseConnection_mysql [object] => DatabaseConnection_mysql Object ( [target:protected] => [key:protected] => [logger:protected] => [transactionLayers:protected] => Array ( ) [driverClasses:protected] => Array ( ) [statementClass:protected] => DatabaseStatementBase [transactionSupport:protected] => 1 [transactionalDDLSupport:protected] => [temporaryNameIndex:protected] => 0 [connection:protected] => [connectionOptions:protected] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) ) [schema:protected] => [prefixes:protected] => Array ( [default] => ) [prefixSearch:protected] => Array ( [0] => { [1] => } ) [prefixReplace:protected] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [escapedNames:protected] => Array ( ) [escapedAliases:protected] => Array ( ) [unprefixedTablesMap:protected] => Array ( ) [needsCleanup:protected] => [reservedKeyWords:DatabaseConnection_mysql:private] => Array ( [0] => accessible [1] => add [2] => admin [3] => all [4] => alter [5] => analyze [6] => and [7] => as [8] => asc [9] => asensitive [10] => before [11] => between [12] => bigint [13] => binary [14] => blob [15] => both [16] => by [17] => call [18] => cascade [19] => case [20] => change [21] => char [22] => character [23] => check [24] => collate [25] => column [26] => condition [27] => constraint [28] => continue [29] => convert [30] => create [31] => cross [32] => cube [33] => cume_dist [34] => current_date [35] => current_time [36] => current_timestamp [37] => current_user [38] => cursor [39] => database [40] => databases [41] => day_hour [42] => day_microsecond [43] => day_minute [44] => day_second [45] => dec [46] => decimal [47] => declare [48] => default [49] => delayed [50] => delete [51] => dense_rank [52] => desc [53] => describe [54] => deterministic [55] => distinct [56] => distinctrow [57] => div [58] => double [59] => drop [60] => dual [61] => each [62] => else [63] => elseif [64] => empty [65] => enclosed [66] => escaped [67] => except [68] => exists [69] => exit [70] => explain [71] => false [72] => fetch [73] => first_value [74] => float [75] => float4 [76] => float8 [77] => for [78] => force [79] => foreign [80] => from [81] => fulltext [82] => function [83] => generated [84] => get [85] => grant [86] => group [87] => grouping [88] => groups [89] => having [90] => high_priority [91] => hour_microsecond [92] => hour_minute [93] => hour_second [94] => if [95] => ignore [96] => in [97] => index [98] => infile [99] => inner [100] => inout [101] => insensitive [102] => insert [103] => int [104] => int1 [105] => int2 [106] => int3 [107] => int4 [108] => int8 [109] => integer [110] => intersect [111] => interval [112] => into [113] => io_after_gtids [114] => io_before_gtids [115] => is [116] => iterate [117] => join [118] => json_table [119] => key [120] => keys [121] => kill [122] => lag [123] => last_value [124] => lateral [125] => lead [126] => leading [127] => leave [128] => left [129] => like [130] => limit [131] => linear [132] => lines [133] => load [134] => localtime [135] => localtimestamp [136] => lock [137] => long [138] => longblob [139] => longtext [140] => loop [141] => low_priority [142] => master_bind [143] => master_ssl_verify_server_cert [144] => match [145] => maxvalue [146] => mediumblob [147] => mediumint [148] => mediumtext [149] => middleint [150] => minute_microsecond [151] => minute_second [152] => mod [153] => modifies [154] => natural [155] => not [156] => no_write_to_binlog [157] => nth_value [158] => ntile [159] => null [160] => numeric [161] => of [162] => on [163] => optimize [164] => optimizer_costs [165] => option [166] => optionally [167] => or [168] => order [169] => out [170] => outer [171] => outfile [172] => over [173] => partition [174] => percent_rank [175] => persist [176] => persist_only [177] => precision [178] => primary [179] => procedure [180] => purge [181] => range [182] => rank [183] => read [184] => reads [185] => read_write [186] => real [187] => recursive [188] => references [189] => regexp [190] => release [191] => rename [192] => repeat [193] => replace [194] => require [195] => resignal [196] => restrict [197] => return [198] => revoke [199] => right [200] => rlike [201] => row [202] => rows [203] => row_number [204] => schema [205] => schemas [206] => second_microsecond [207] => select [208] => sensitive [209] => separator [210] => set [211] => show [212] => signal [213] => smallint [214] => spatial [215] => specific [216] => sql [217] => sqlexception [218] => sqlstate [219] => sqlwarning [220] => sql_big_result [221] => sql_calc_found_rows [222] => sql_small_result [223] => ssl [224] => starting [225] => stored [226] => straight_join [227] => system [228] => table [229] => terminated [230] => then [231] => tinyblob [232] => tinyint [233] => tinytext [234] => to [235] => trailing [236] => trigger [237] => true [238] => undo [239] => union [240] => unique [241] => unlock [242] => unsigned [243] => update [244] => usage [245] => use [246] => using [247] => utc_date [248] => utc_time [249] => utc_timestamp [250] => values [251] => varbinary [252] => varchar [253] => varcharacter [254] => varying [255] => virtual [256] => when [257] => where [258] => while [259] => window [260] => with [261] => write [262] => xor [263] => year_month [264] => zerofill ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [driver] => mysql [database] => common_fe [username] => root [password] => asdf [host] => localhost [prefix] => Array ( [default] => ) [pdo] => Array ( [1000] => 1 [20] => 1 [17] => 1 [1013] => ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 1582 [function] => openConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => default ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/includes/database/ [line] => 2467 [function] => getConnection [class] => Database [type] => :: [args] => Array ( [0] => default ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 31 [function] => db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [1] => Array ( [:country_code] => ve ) ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 111 [function] => np_db_query [args] => Array ( [0] => common_fe [1] => db_query [2] => SELECT * FROM price_formulas WHERE country_code = :country_code [3] => Array ( [:country_code] => ve ) ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 93 [function] => get_formula [args] => Array ( [0] => ve ) ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 355 [function] => course_price_v2_formula [args] => Array ( ) ) [11] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 344 [function] => course_price_change_to_fe_p [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced [1] => 14 [2] => za_midrange,pl_2000 [3] => 0 [4] => [5] => USD ) ) [12] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 316 [function] => course_price_get_default_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [13] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 15 [function] => course_price_get_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [14] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [15] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [16] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [17] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [18] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "sdp" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:281 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 281 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "sdp" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 281 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3150 [adp] => 750 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => scalaadvanced [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:286 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 286 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_default_trainer_journey" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 286 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3150 [adp] => 750 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => scalaadvanced [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php:289 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 289 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_price_rounding" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [3] => 289 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/course-prices.php [line] => 45 [function] => course_price_table [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [fdp] => 3150 [adp] => 750 [reduced_fdp] => [reduced_adp] => [days] => 2 [default_venue_fdc] => 350 [default_venue_adc] => 50 [people] => 1 [hours] => 14 [course_code] => scalaadvanced [venue_id] => ve_10638169 [vfdc] => 250.00 [vadc] => 75.00 ) [1] => 10 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 23 [function] => course_price_virtual_event_price [args] => Array ( [0] => scalaadvanced ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php:119 Array ( [0] => Array ( [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php:16) [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [3] => 119 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 119 [function] => header [args] => Array ( [0] => X-CSRF-Token:Tm9ibGVQcm9nMTcxNjAyMzk1Nw== ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 82 [function] => course_generate_csrf_token [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => scalaadvanced [hr_nid] => 208837 [title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. Scala code runs on a JVM and was designed to address some of the shortcomings of Java.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features, including its type system, to write better code using an object-functional approach.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Object-Functional Programming

Mastering the Scala Type System

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Using Scala Implicit

Libraries and DSLs

Working with Scala Collections

Functional Exception Handling

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1929 [alias] => scala-training [name] => Scala [english_name] => Scala [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => scalaadvanced [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [akkabgad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => akkabgad [hr_nid] => 291139 [title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

This training outline is intended to bring attendees from a beginner to an intermediate/advanced level in the understanding and knowledge of the Akka framework.

The entire course is hands on, mostly driven by the trainer in the beginning and progressively shifting towards the attendees producing code themselves (and downloading implementations/solutions written by the trainer).

Attendees are not expected to have prior knowledge of Scala, the trainer will take the necessary time to explain and clarify all the intricacies that relate to the Scala code used.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction,  environment Setup and a first application

Actors & Typed Actors

Fault Tolerance - Actor Lifecycle & State


Dispatchers & Routes



Transactions (time permitting)


JMX and REST interfaces

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037441 [source_title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => akkabgad ) [mlfsas] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => mlfsas [hr_nid] => 113918 [title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [requirements] =>

Knowledge of Java/Scala programming language. Basic familiarity with statistics and linear algebra is recommended.

[overview] =>

The aim of this course is to provide a basic proficiency in applying Machine Learning methods in practice. Through the use of the Scala programming language and its various libraries, and based on a multitude of practical examples this course teaches how to use the most important building blocks of Machine Learning, how to make data modeling decisions, interpret the outputs of the algorithms and validate the results.

Our goal is to give you the skills to understand and use the most fundamental tools from the Machine Learning toolbox confidently and avoid the common pitfalls of Data Sciences applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

Machine Learning with Scala



Cross-validation and Resampling

Unsupervised Learning

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037188 [source_title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => mlfsas ) [scalaadvancedfunctional] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaadvancedfunctional [hr_nid] => 208841 [title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features to develop well-constructed software that is easy to write, read, test, and change. The focus of this training is on functional programming, using real-world case studies and discussion as a reference for lab exercises and activities.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Functional Programming in Scala

Mastering Scala Types

Mastering Scala Type Classes

Case Study: Highly-stateful programs with complex external systems

Coding Exercise

Working with Data

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Case Study: Scala and Big Data

Coding Exercise

Using Functional Patterns

Working with Effects

Case Study

Coding Exercise

Functional Architecture

Libraries and DSLs

Functional Exception Handling

Final Coding Exercise and Evaluation

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaadvancedfunctional ) [scalaprog] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaprog [hr_nid] => 3628 [title] => Programming in Scala [requirements] => [overview] =>

The training aims to provide opportunities Scala language, learning the syntax of programming paradigms, and space applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Basics of Scala

Object-Oriented Programming

Functional Programming


Other aspects of the Scala language

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Programming in Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaprog ) [sparkscala] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => sparkscala [hr_nid] => 327415 [title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a condensed version of Java for large scale functional and object-oriented programming. Apache Spark Streaming is an extended component of the Spark API for processing big data sets as real-time streams. Together, Spark Streaming and Scala enable the streaming of big data.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Scala Programming in Depth Review

Spark Internals

Overview of Spark Streaming

Preparing the Development Environment

Spark Streaming Beginner to Advanced

Spark and Clusters

Integration in Spark Streaming

In Production

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037552 [source_title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => sparkscala ) [3627] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3627 [hr_nid] => 3627 [title] => Introduction to Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

The purpose of the training is to provide a basis for programming from the ground up to the general syntax of programming paradigms. The training is supported by examples based on programming languages ​​such as C, Java, Python, Scala, C #, Closure and JavaScript. During the training, participants gain a general understanding of both the programming patterns, best practices, commonly used design and review of the implementation of these topics through various platforms. Each of the issues discussed during the course are illustrated with examples of both the most basic and more advanced and based on real problems.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Reminder issues of logic and Boolean algebra

The first program

Simple types

Data structures


Controlling the program

Creating a reusable code

Functional programming paradigms

The paradigms of object-oriented programming

Good programming practice

Overview of these technologies and languages

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Introduction to Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3627 ) [cleanc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cleanc [hr_nid] => 277178 [title] => Clean Code [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

Why do we need Clean Code? Programs evolve, therefore the code is continuously updated it can be very, very difficult to go back through unclean code to find and update the source code on average, the cost of writing the original code is only 40% of the total cost of a system; 60% of the cost, on average, is spent maintaining and updating code. Bad code dramatically increases that 40/60 ratio, bordering on 20/80 in the worst cases; the more unclean the code is, the more time we just spend updating it.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1


Good and standardized naming

-names of packages, files, classes, voids and functions as well as variables need to have meaningful names derived from their purpose

-should be readable

-should be searchable

-consider the namespace we're generating; does it make sense?

Classes, objects and data structures

-there's a difference between objects that do something and structures that simply contain data

-when to use data structures, and why

-when to use objects, and why

-OOD and abastraction

-getters/setters and why

-better to have many small classes, with many small voids and functions

Good comments

-there are good and bad comments;

-we need to know how to generate good comments and forget about the rest


Day 2


-one thing only


-arguments (good and bad)

-unintended side effects

Error handling

-when to handle errors, when to let them bubble up

-if we handle an exception, what do we do with it and why

-custom error handling classes

Code Formatting: how can we better format the code

Test-Driven Design: Open discussion of Uncle Bob's idea that programs should be TDD


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037367 [source_title] => Clean Code [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cleanc ) [lnxnetp] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => lnxnetp [hr_nid] => 113146 [title] => Linux Network Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is addressed to junior software developers. After the course completion, the trainees will be able to understand the architecture of well-known web servers such as Apache or Nginx, and implement their own network programs.

The course is 67% lectures, 33% hands-on exercises.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Sockets
  2. Handling more than one client in a simple way
  3. Waiting for data
  4. Organizing reads and writes
  5. Event-driven architecture
  6. Problem of 10000 connections
  7. Timeouts and timers
  8. Integration with the operating system
  9. Performance and scalability optimizations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037181 [source_title] => Linux Network Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => lnxnetp ) [3059] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3059 [hr_nid] => 3059 [title] => Java Advanced [requirements] =>

Knowledge of the issues discussed in the Java Fundamentals course.

[overview] =>

During the training participant will know the specific use of selected issues, the basic problems encountered when using them, and the role of the application model. The training also includes a basic knowledge of the language standard library functions. Training requires knowledge of the development environment IDE used to build Java applications (e.g.. Eclipse, Netbeans). Training does not include a user interface issues.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Abstract class

The role of classes, abstract classes and interfaces in the application model

The role of dynamic and static objects in the application model

Operations with simple types and wrapper classes

Special Objects Java, the class String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Reminder basic properties of the String class and discuss the treatment of String objects by the virtual machine

The use of buffer classes and operate on chains

Formatting and parsing, regular expressions

I / O operations

Classes inside - detailed discussion

Topics - detailed discussion, applications and problems

Reflections Java - Introduction and application

Java Serialization

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1715084541 [source_title] => Java Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3059 ) [cijava] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cijava [hr_nid] => 412931 [title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice of automating the process of merging code changes into the central repository as often as possible to detect and locate errors quickly.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Continuous Integration (CI)

Overview of CI Tools for Java

Overview of Jenkins

Installing and Setting Up Jenkins and Git

Setting Up CI in Jenkins

Working on a Project in Jenkins

Overview of a Java Project

Building CI Pipeline for Java

Using VCS Trigger for a Java Project

Using VSC Trigger for SQL Code in a Java Project

Understanding Java Artifacts

Understanding CI Best Practices for Java

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037888 [source_title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cijava ) [cl-cjw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-cjw [hr_nid] => 154909 [title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

To serve in the best way heterogeneous development groups that are using various platforms simultaneously during their everyday work, we have merged various topics into a combined course that presents diverse secure coding subjects in didactic manner on a single training event. This course combines C/C++ and Java platform security to provide an extensive, cross-platform secure coding expertise.

Concerning C/C++, common security vulnerabilities are discussed, backed by practical exercises about the attacking methods that exploit these vulnerabilities, with the focus on the mitigation techniques that can be applied to prevent the occurrences of these dangerous bugs, detect them before market launch or prevent their exploitation.

Security components and service of Java are discussed by presenting the different APIs and tools through a number of practical exercises where participants can gain hands-on experience in using them. The course also covers security issues of web services and the related Java services that can be applied to prevent the most aching threats of the Internet based services. Finally, web- and Java-related security vulnerabilities are demonstrated by easy-to-understand exercises, which not only show the root cause of the problems, but also demonstrate the attack methods along with the recommended mitigation and coding techniques in order to avoid the associated security problems.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037230 [source_title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-cjw ) [cl-jad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jad [hr_nid] => 154849 [title] => Advanced Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced Java programmers are not mastering by all means the various security services offered by Java, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java.

The course – besides introducing security components of Standard Java Edition – deals with security issues of Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and web services. Discussion of specific services is preceded with the foundations of cryptography and secure communication. Various exercises deal with declarative and programmatic security techniques in JEE, while both transport-layer and end-to-end security of web services is discussed. The use of all components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform and web-related vulnerabilities. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1707138583 [source_title] => Advanced Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jad ) [cl-jpw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jpw [hr_nid] => 154917 [title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced programmers do not master by all means the various security services offered by their development platforms, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for their developments. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet.

Levels of Java security architecture are walked through by tackling access control, authentication and authorization, secure communication and various cryptographic functions. Various APIs are also introduced that can be used to secure your code in PHP, like OpenSSL for cryptography or HTML Purifier for input validation. On server side, the best practices are given for hardening and configuring the operating system, the web container, the file system, the SQL server and the PHP itself, while a special focus is given to client-side security through security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

General web vulnerabilities are discussed by examples aligned to the OWASP Top Ten, showing various injection attacks, script injections, attacks against session handling, insecure direct object references, issues with file uploads, and many others. The various Java- and PHP-specific language problems and issues stemming from the runtime environment are introduced grouped into the standard vulnerability types of missing or improper input validation, improper use of security features, incorrect error and exception handling, time- and state-related problems, code quality issues and mobile code-related vulnerabilities.

Participants can try out the discussed APIs, tools and the effects of configurations for themselves, while the introduction of vulnerabilities are all supported by a number of hands-on exercises demonstrating the consequences of successful attacks, showing how to correct the bugs and apply mitigation techniques, and introducing the use of various extensions and tools.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037231 [source_title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jpw ) [cl-jsc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jsc [hr_nid] => 154753 [title] => Standard Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


The Java language and the Runtime Environment (JRE) was designed to be free from the most problematic common security vulnerabilities experienced in other languages, like C/C++. Yet, software developers and architects should not only know how to use the various security features of the Java environment (positive security), but should also be aware of the numerous vulnerabilities that are still relevant for Java development (negative security).

The introduction of security services is preceded with a brief overview of the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of these components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform, covering both the typical bugs committed by Java programmers and the language- and environment-specific issues. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Standard Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jsc ) [cl-jwa] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jwa [hr_nid] => 154757 [title] => Java and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


Beyond solid knowledge in using Java components, even for experienced Java programmers it is essential to have a deep knowledge in web-related vulnerabilities both on server and client side, the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java, and the consequences of the various risks.

General web-based vulnerabilities are demonstrated through presenting the relevant attacks, while the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods are explained in the context of Java with the most important aim to avoid the associated problems. In addition, a special focus is given to client-side security tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

The course introduces security components of Standard Java Edition, which is preceded with the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of all components is presented through practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

Finally, the course explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Java and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jwa ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => akkabgad [1] => mlfsas [2] => scalaadvancedfunctional [3] => scalaprog [4] => sparkscala [5] => 3627 [6] => cleanc [7] => lnxnetp [8] => 3059 [9] => cijava [10] => cl-cjw [11] => cl-jad [12] => cl-jpw [13] => cl-jsc [14] => cl-jwa ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [classroom guaranteed] => 3650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3650 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [classroom guaranteed] => 4550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2275 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [classroom guaranteed] => 5451 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1817 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [classroom guaranteed] => 6352 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1588 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [classroom guaranteed] => 7250 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [classroom guaranteed] => 8148 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1358 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [classroom guaranteed] => 9051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [classroom guaranteed] => 9952 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1244 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [classroom guaranteed] => 10854 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1206 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [classroom guaranteed] => 11750 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1175 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [adp] => 750 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [adp] => 750 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [adp] => 750 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [adp] => 750 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [adp] => 750 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [adp] => 750 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [adp] => 750 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [adp] => 750 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [adp] => 750 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [adp] => 750 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 4 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [473415] => Array ( [title] => Advanced Java Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Paulina [body] => Pushing changes on an ongoing basis, when on the 3rd day I started to get more lost than before and it was harder to spot the error quickly, I was quickly able to check out the latest changes and stay up to date with the material [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 473415 ) [458799] => Array ( [title] => Java Advanced [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Kamil - Streamsoft Kraków [body] =>

A large amount of practical knowledge shown in real-life examples.

[mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 458799 ) [393203] => Array ( [title] => Clean Code [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Ben van Oeveren - Movella [body] => The teacher addressed many relevant topics for clean coding with practical examples. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 393203 ) [280846] => Array ( [title] => Java and Web Application Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Constantinos Michael [body] => Very good knowledge and character. [mc] => Very good knowledge and character. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 280846 ) ) [7] => 4.5 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming Training Course

Course Outline


  • Scala as a JVM language
  • Objection-oriented programming vs functional programming

Overview of Object-Functional Programming

  • Tail recursion
  • Partial functions
  • Currying and partial function application
  • Closures
  • Lazy evaluation

Mastering the Scala Type System

  • About traits
  • Structural types
  • Path dependent types
  • Self types
  • Covariance and contravariance
  • Type bounds

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

  • Deep matching
  • Using extractors

Using Scala Implicit

  • Implicit conversion, classes and parameters
  • Type class pattern
  • Context and view bounds

Libraries and DSLs

  • Custom control structures with by-name parameters
  • Building well-designed libraries and internal DSLs

Working with Scala Collections

  • Working with Streams
  • Manifests and class tags
  • Builders
  • CanBuildFrom
  • Building custom collections

Functional Exception Handling

  • Traditional exception handling
  • Functional exception handling
  • Using Try with For comprehensions

Closing Remarks


  • Hands on experience in Scala programming
  • Familiarity with pattern matching and traits


  • Scala programmers who wish to learn the more advanced and nuanced features of Scala
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (4)

Related Courses

Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate

21 Hours

Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark

14 Hours

Scala: Advanced Functional Programming

14 Hours

Programming in Scala

14 Hours

Apache Spark Streaming with Scala

21 Hours

Introduction to Programming

35 Hours

Clean Code

14 Hours

Linux Network Programming

14 Hours

Java Advanced

28 Hours

Continuous Integration (CI) for Java

14 Hours

Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security

28 Hours

Advanced Java Security

21 Hours

Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security

28 Hours

Standard Java Security

14 Hours

Java and Web Application Security

21 Hours

Related Categories

NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 94 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => scalaadvanced [hr_nid] => 208837 [title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. Scala code runs on a JVM and was designed to address some of the shortcomings of Java.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features, including its type system, to write better code using an object-functional approach.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Object-Functional Programming

Mastering the Scala Type System

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Using Scala Implicit

Libraries and DSLs

Working with Scala Collections

Functional Exception Handling

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1929 [alias] => scala-training [name] => Scala [english_name] => Scala [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => scalaadvanced [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [akkabgad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => akkabgad [hr_nid] => 291139 [title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

This training outline is intended to bring attendees from a beginner to an intermediate/advanced level in the understanding and knowledge of the Akka framework.

The entire course is hands on, mostly driven by the trainer in the beginning and progressively shifting towards the attendees producing code themselves (and downloading implementations/solutions written by the trainer).

Attendees are not expected to have prior knowledge of Scala, the trainer will take the necessary time to explain and clarify all the intricacies that relate to the Scala code used.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction,  environment Setup and a first application

Actors & Typed Actors

Fault Tolerance - Actor Lifecycle & State


Dispatchers & Routes



Transactions (time permitting)


JMX and REST interfaces

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037441 [source_title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => akkabgad ) [mlfsas] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => mlfsas [hr_nid] => 113918 [title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [requirements] =>

Knowledge of Java/Scala programming language. Basic familiarity with statistics and linear algebra is recommended.

[overview] =>

The aim of this course is to provide a basic proficiency in applying Machine Learning methods in practice. Through the use of the Scala programming language and its various libraries, and based on a multitude of practical examples this course teaches how to use the most important building blocks of Machine Learning, how to make data modeling decisions, interpret the outputs of the algorithms and validate the results.

Our goal is to give you the skills to understand and use the most fundamental tools from the Machine Learning toolbox confidently and avoid the common pitfalls of Data Sciences applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

Machine Learning with Scala



Cross-validation and Resampling

Unsupervised Learning

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037188 [source_title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => mlfsas ) [scalaadvancedfunctional] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaadvancedfunctional [hr_nid] => 208841 [title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features to develop well-constructed software that is easy to write, read, test, and change. The focus of this training is on functional programming, using real-world case studies and discussion as a reference for lab exercises and activities.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Functional Programming in Scala

Mastering Scala Types

Mastering Scala Type Classes

Case Study: Highly-stateful programs with complex external systems

Coding Exercise

Working with Data

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Case Study: Scala and Big Data

Coding Exercise

Using Functional Patterns

Working with Effects

Case Study

Coding Exercise

Functional Architecture

Libraries and DSLs

Functional Exception Handling

Final Coding Exercise and Evaluation

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaadvancedfunctional ) [scalaprog] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaprog [hr_nid] => 3628 [title] => Programming in Scala [requirements] => [overview] =>

The training aims to provide opportunities Scala language, learning the syntax of programming paradigms, and space applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Basics of Scala

Object-Oriented Programming

Functional Programming


Other aspects of the Scala language

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Programming in Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaprog ) [sparkscala] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => sparkscala [hr_nid] => 327415 [title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a condensed version of Java for large scale functional and object-oriented programming. Apache Spark Streaming is an extended component of the Spark API for processing big data sets as real-time streams. Together, Spark Streaming and Scala enable the streaming of big data.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Scala Programming in Depth Review

Spark Internals

Overview of Spark Streaming

Preparing the Development Environment

Spark Streaming Beginner to Advanced

Spark and Clusters

Integration in Spark Streaming

In Production

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037552 [source_title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => sparkscala ) [3627] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3627 [hr_nid] => 3627 [title] => Introduction to Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

The purpose of the training is to provide a basis for programming from the ground up to the general syntax of programming paradigms. The training is supported by examples based on programming languages ​​such as C, Java, Python, Scala, C #, Closure and JavaScript. During the training, participants gain a general understanding of both the programming patterns, best practices, commonly used design and review of the implementation of these topics through various platforms. Each of the issues discussed during the course are illustrated with examples of both the most basic and more advanced and based on real problems.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Reminder issues of logic and Boolean algebra

The first program

Simple types

Data structures


Controlling the program

Creating a reusable code

Functional programming paradigms

The paradigms of object-oriented programming

Good programming practice

Overview of these technologies and languages

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Introduction to Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3627 ) [cleanc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cleanc [hr_nid] => 277178 [title] => Clean Code [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

Why do we need Clean Code? Programs evolve, therefore the code is continuously updated it can be very, very difficult to go back through unclean code to find and update the source code on average, the cost of writing the original code is only 40% of the total cost of a system; 60% of the cost, on average, is spent maintaining and updating code. Bad code dramatically increases that 40/60 ratio, bordering on 20/80 in the worst cases; the more unclean the code is, the more time we just spend updating it.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1


Good and standardized naming

-names of packages, files, classes, voids and functions as well as variables need to have meaningful names derived from their purpose

-should be readable

-should be searchable

-consider the namespace we're generating; does it make sense?

Classes, objects and data structures

-there's a difference between objects that do something and structures that simply contain data

-when to use data structures, and why

-when to use objects, and why

-OOD and abastraction

-getters/setters and why

-better to have many small classes, with many small voids and functions

Good comments

-there are good and bad comments;

-we need to know how to generate good comments and forget about the rest


Day 2


-one thing only


-arguments (good and bad)

-unintended side effects

Error handling

-when to handle errors, when to let them bubble up

-if we handle an exception, what do we do with it and why

-custom error handling classes

Code Formatting: how can we better format the code

Test-Driven Design: Open discussion of Uncle Bob's idea that programs should be TDD


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037367 [source_title] => Clean Code [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cleanc ) [lnxnetp] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => lnxnetp [hr_nid] => 113146 [title] => Linux Network Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is addressed to junior software developers. After the course completion, the trainees will be able to understand the architecture of well-known web servers such as Apache or Nginx, and implement their own network programs.

The course is 67% lectures, 33% hands-on exercises.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Sockets
  2. Handling more than one client in a simple way
  3. Waiting for data
  4. Organizing reads and writes
  5. Event-driven architecture
  6. Problem of 10000 connections
  7. Timeouts and timers
  8. Integration with the operating system
  9. Performance and scalability optimizations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037181 [source_title] => Linux Network Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => lnxnetp ) [3059] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3059 [hr_nid] => 3059 [title] => Java Advanced [requirements] =>

Knowledge of the issues discussed in the Java Fundamentals course.

[overview] =>

During the training participant will know the specific use of selected issues, the basic problems encountered when using them, and the role of the application model. The training also includes a basic knowledge of the language standard library functions. Training requires knowledge of the development environment IDE used to build Java applications (e.g.. Eclipse, Netbeans). Training does not include a user interface issues.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Abstract class

The role of classes, abstract classes and interfaces in the application model

The role of dynamic and static objects in the application model

Operations with simple types and wrapper classes

Special Objects Java, the class String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Reminder basic properties of the String class and discuss the treatment of String objects by the virtual machine

The use of buffer classes and operate on chains

Formatting and parsing, regular expressions

I / O operations

Classes inside - detailed discussion

Topics - detailed discussion, applications and problems

Reflections Java - Introduction and application

Java Serialization

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1715084541 [source_title] => Java Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3059 ) [cijava] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cijava [hr_nid] => 412931 [title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice of automating the process of merging code changes into the central repository as often as possible to detect and locate errors quickly.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Continuous Integration (CI)

Overview of CI Tools for Java

Overview of Jenkins

Installing and Setting Up Jenkins and Git

Setting Up CI in Jenkins

Working on a Project in Jenkins

Overview of a Java Project

Building CI Pipeline for Java

Using VCS Trigger for a Java Project

Using VSC Trigger for SQL Code in a Java Project

Understanding Java Artifacts

Understanding CI Best Practices for Java

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037888 [source_title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cijava ) [cl-cjw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-cjw [hr_nid] => 154909 [title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

To serve in the best way heterogeneous development groups that are using various platforms simultaneously during their everyday work, we have merged various topics into a combined course that presents diverse secure coding subjects in didactic manner on a single training event. This course combines C/C++ and Java platform security to provide an extensive, cross-platform secure coding expertise.

Concerning C/C++, common security vulnerabilities are discussed, backed by practical exercises about the attacking methods that exploit these vulnerabilities, with the focus on the mitigation techniques that can be applied to prevent the occurrences of these dangerous bugs, detect them before market launch or prevent their exploitation.

Security components and service of Java are discussed by presenting the different APIs and tools through a number of practical exercises where participants can gain hands-on experience in using them. The course also covers security issues of web services and the related Java services that can be applied to prevent the most aching threats of the Internet based services. Finally, web- and Java-related security vulnerabilities are demonstrated by easy-to-understand exercises, which not only show the root cause of the problems, but also demonstrate the attack methods along with the recommended mitigation and coding techniques in order to avoid the associated security problems.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037230 [source_title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-cjw ) [cl-jad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jad [hr_nid] => 154849 [title] => Advanced Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced Java programmers are not mastering by all means the various security services offered by Java, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java.

The course – besides introducing security components of Standard Java Edition – deals with security issues of Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and web services. Discussion of specific services is preceded with the foundations of cryptography and secure communication. Various exercises deal with declarative and programmatic security techniques in JEE, while both transport-layer and end-to-end security of web services is discussed. The use of all components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform and web-related vulnerabilities. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1707138583 [source_title] => Advanced Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jad ) [cl-jpw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jpw [hr_nid] => 154917 [title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced programmers do not master by all means the various security services offered by their development platforms, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for their developments. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet.

Levels of Java security architecture are walked through by tackling access control, authentication and authorization, secure communication and various cryptographic functions. Various APIs are also introduced that can be used to secure your code in PHP, like OpenSSL for cryptography or HTML Purifier for input validation. On server side, the best practices are given for hardening and configuring the operating system, the web container, the file system, the SQL server and the PHP itself, while a special focus is given to client-side security through security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

General web vulnerabilities are discussed by examples aligned to the OWASP Top Ten, showing various injection attacks, script injections, attacks against session handling, insecure direct object references, issues with file uploads, and many others. The various Java- and PHP-specific language problems and issues stemming from the runtime environment are introduced grouped into the standard vulnerability types of missing or improper input validation, improper use of security features, incorrect error and exception handling, time- and state-related problems, code quality issues and mobile code-related vulnerabilities.

Participants can try out the discussed APIs, tools and the effects of configurations for themselves, while the introduction of vulnerabilities are all supported by a number of hands-on exercises demonstrating the consequences of successful attacks, showing how to correct the bugs and apply mitigation techniques, and introducing the use of various extensions and tools.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037231 [source_title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jpw ) [cl-jsc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jsc [hr_nid] => 154753 [title] => Standard Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


The Java language and the Runtime Environment (JRE) was designed to be free from the most problematic common security vulnerabilities experienced in other languages, like C/C++. Yet, software developers and architects should not only know how to use the various security features of the Java environment (positive security), but should also be aware of the numerous vulnerabilities that are still relevant for Java development (negative security).

The introduction of security services is preceded with a brief overview of the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of these components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform, covering both the typical bugs committed by Java programmers and the language- and environment-specific issues. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Standard Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jsc ) [cl-jwa] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jwa [hr_nid] => 154757 [title] => Java and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


Beyond solid knowledge in using Java components, even for experienced Java programmers it is essential to have a deep knowledge in web-related vulnerabilities both on server and client side, the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java, and the consequences of the various risks.

General web-based vulnerabilities are demonstrated through presenting the relevant attacks, while the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods are explained in the context of Java with the most important aim to avoid the associated problems. In addition, a special focus is given to client-side security tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

The course introduces security components of Standard Java Edition, which is preceded with the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of all components is presented through practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

Finally, the course explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Java and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jwa ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => akkabgad [1] => mlfsas [2] => scalaadvancedfunctional [3] => scalaprog [4] => sparkscala [5] => 3627 [6] => cleanc [7] => lnxnetp [8] => 3059 [9] => cijava [10] => cl-cjw [11] => cl-jad [12] => cl-jpw [13] => cl-jsc [14] => cl-jwa ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [classroom guaranteed] => 3650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3650 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [classroom guaranteed] => 4550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2275 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [classroom guaranteed] => 5451 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1817 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [classroom guaranteed] => 6352 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1588 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [classroom guaranteed] => 7250 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [classroom guaranteed] => 8148 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1358 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [classroom guaranteed] => 9051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [classroom guaranteed] => 9952 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1244 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [classroom guaranteed] => 10854 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1206 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [classroom guaranteed] => 11750 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1175 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [adp] => 750 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [adp] => 750 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [adp] => 750 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [adp] => 750 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [adp] => 750 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [adp] => 750 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [adp] => 750 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [adp] => 750 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [adp] => 750 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [adp] => 750 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 4 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [473415] => Array ( [title] => Advanced Java Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Paulina [body] => Pushing changes on an ongoing basis, when on the 3rd day I started to get more lost than before and it was harder to spot the error quickly, I was quickly able to check out the latest changes and stay up to date with the material [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 473415 ) [458799] => Array ( [title] => Java Advanced [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Kamil - Streamsoft Kraków [body] =>

A large amount of practical knowledge shown in real-life examples.

[mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 458799 ) [393203] => Array ( [title] => Clean Code [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Ben van Oeveren - Movella [body] => The teacher addressed many relevant topics for clean coding with practical examples. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 393203 ) [280846] => Array ( [title] => Java and Web Application Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Constantinos Michael [body] => Very good knowledge and character. [mc] => Very good knowledge and character. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 280846 ) ) [7] => 4.5 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [10] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "devel_domain" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "devel_domain" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 99 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => devel_domain [1] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 34 [function] => islc_get_site_list [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => scalaadvanced [hr_nid] => 208837 [title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. Scala code runs on a JVM and was designed to address some of the shortcomings of Java.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features, including its type system, to write better code using an object-functional approach.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Object-Functional Programming

Mastering the Scala Type System

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Using Scala Implicit

Libraries and DSLs

Working with Scala Collections

Functional Exception Handling

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1929 [alias] => scala-training [name] => Scala [english_name] => Scala [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => scalaadvanced [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [akkabgad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => akkabgad [hr_nid] => 291139 [title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

This training outline is intended to bring attendees from a beginner to an intermediate/advanced level in the understanding and knowledge of the Akka framework.

The entire course is hands on, mostly driven by the trainer in the beginning and progressively shifting towards the attendees producing code themselves (and downloading implementations/solutions written by the trainer).

Attendees are not expected to have prior knowledge of Scala, the trainer will take the necessary time to explain and clarify all the intricacies that relate to the Scala code used.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction,  environment Setup and a first application

Actors & Typed Actors

Fault Tolerance - Actor Lifecycle & State


Dispatchers & Routes



Transactions (time permitting)


JMX and REST interfaces

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037441 [source_title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => akkabgad ) [mlfsas] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => mlfsas [hr_nid] => 113918 [title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [requirements] =>

Knowledge of Java/Scala programming language. Basic familiarity with statistics and linear algebra is recommended.

[overview] =>

The aim of this course is to provide a basic proficiency in applying Machine Learning methods in practice. Through the use of the Scala programming language and its various libraries, and based on a multitude of practical examples this course teaches how to use the most important building blocks of Machine Learning, how to make data modeling decisions, interpret the outputs of the algorithms and validate the results.

Our goal is to give you the skills to understand and use the most fundamental tools from the Machine Learning toolbox confidently and avoid the common pitfalls of Data Sciences applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

Machine Learning with Scala



Cross-validation and Resampling

Unsupervised Learning

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037188 [source_title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => mlfsas ) [scalaadvancedfunctional] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaadvancedfunctional [hr_nid] => 208841 [title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features to develop well-constructed software that is easy to write, read, test, and change. The focus of this training is on functional programming, using real-world case studies and discussion as a reference for lab exercises and activities.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Functional Programming in Scala

Mastering Scala Types

Mastering Scala Type Classes

Case Study: Highly-stateful programs with complex external systems

Coding Exercise

Working with Data

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Case Study: Scala and Big Data

Coding Exercise

Using Functional Patterns

Working with Effects

Case Study

Coding Exercise

Functional Architecture

Libraries and DSLs

Functional Exception Handling

Final Coding Exercise and Evaluation

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaadvancedfunctional ) [scalaprog] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaprog [hr_nid] => 3628 [title] => Programming in Scala [requirements] => [overview] =>

The training aims to provide opportunities Scala language, learning the syntax of programming paradigms, and space applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Basics of Scala

Object-Oriented Programming

Functional Programming


Other aspects of the Scala language

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Programming in Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaprog ) [sparkscala] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => sparkscala [hr_nid] => 327415 [title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a condensed version of Java for large scale functional and object-oriented programming. Apache Spark Streaming is an extended component of the Spark API for processing big data sets as real-time streams. Together, Spark Streaming and Scala enable the streaming of big data.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Scala Programming in Depth Review

Spark Internals

Overview of Spark Streaming

Preparing the Development Environment

Spark Streaming Beginner to Advanced

Spark and Clusters

Integration in Spark Streaming

In Production

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037552 [source_title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => sparkscala ) [3627] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3627 [hr_nid] => 3627 [title] => Introduction to Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

The purpose of the training is to provide a basis for programming from the ground up to the general syntax of programming paradigms. The training is supported by examples based on programming languages ​​such as C, Java, Python, Scala, C #, Closure and JavaScript. During the training, participants gain a general understanding of both the programming patterns, best practices, commonly used design and review of the implementation of these topics through various platforms. Each of the issues discussed during the course are illustrated with examples of both the most basic and more advanced and based on real problems.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Reminder issues of logic and Boolean algebra

The first program

Simple types

Data structures


Controlling the program

Creating a reusable code

Functional programming paradigms

The paradigms of object-oriented programming

Good programming practice

Overview of these technologies and languages

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Introduction to Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3627 ) [cleanc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cleanc [hr_nid] => 277178 [title] => Clean Code [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

Why do we need Clean Code? Programs evolve, therefore the code is continuously updated it can be very, very difficult to go back through unclean code to find and update the source code on average, the cost of writing the original code is only 40% of the total cost of a system; 60% of the cost, on average, is spent maintaining and updating code. Bad code dramatically increases that 40/60 ratio, bordering on 20/80 in the worst cases; the more unclean the code is, the more time we just spend updating it.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1


Good and standardized naming

-names of packages, files, classes, voids and functions as well as variables need to have meaningful names derived from their purpose

-should be readable

-should be searchable

-consider the namespace we're generating; does it make sense?

Classes, objects and data structures

-there's a difference between objects that do something and structures that simply contain data

-when to use data structures, and why

-when to use objects, and why

-OOD and abastraction

-getters/setters and why

-better to have many small classes, with many small voids and functions

Good comments

-there are good and bad comments;

-we need to know how to generate good comments and forget about the rest


Day 2


-one thing only


-arguments (good and bad)

-unintended side effects

Error handling

-when to handle errors, when to let them bubble up

-if we handle an exception, what do we do with it and why

-custom error handling classes

Code Formatting: how can we better format the code

Test-Driven Design: Open discussion of Uncle Bob's idea that programs should be TDD


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037367 [source_title] => Clean Code [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cleanc ) [lnxnetp] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => lnxnetp [hr_nid] => 113146 [title] => Linux Network Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is addressed to junior software developers. After the course completion, the trainees will be able to understand the architecture of well-known web servers such as Apache or Nginx, and implement their own network programs.

The course is 67% lectures, 33% hands-on exercises.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Sockets
  2. Handling more than one client in a simple way
  3. Waiting for data
  4. Organizing reads and writes
  5. Event-driven architecture
  6. Problem of 10000 connections
  7. Timeouts and timers
  8. Integration with the operating system
  9. Performance and scalability optimizations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037181 [source_title] => Linux Network Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => lnxnetp ) [3059] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3059 [hr_nid] => 3059 [title] => Java Advanced [requirements] =>

Knowledge of the issues discussed in the Java Fundamentals course.

[overview] =>

During the training participant will know the specific use of selected issues, the basic problems encountered when using them, and the role of the application model. The training also includes a basic knowledge of the language standard library functions. Training requires knowledge of the development environment IDE used to build Java applications (e.g.. Eclipse, Netbeans). Training does not include a user interface issues.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Abstract class

The role of classes, abstract classes and interfaces in the application model

The role of dynamic and static objects in the application model

Operations with simple types and wrapper classes

Special Objects Java, the class String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Reminder basic properties of the String class and discuss the treatment of String objects by the virtual machine

The use of buffer classes and operate on chains

Formatting and parsing, regular expressions

I / O operations

Classes inside - detailed discussion

Topics - detailed discussion, applications and problems

Reflections Java - Introduction and application

Java Serialization

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1715084541 [source_title] => Java Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3059 ) [cijava] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cijava [hr_nid] => 412931 [title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice of automating the process of merging code changes into the central repository as often as possible to detect and locate errors quickly.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Continuous Integration (CI)

Overview of CI Tools for Java

Overview of Jenkins

Installing and Setting Up Jenkins and Git

Setting Up CI in Jenkins

Working on a Project in Jenkins

Overview of a Java Project

Building CI Pipeline for Java

Using VCS Trigger for a Java Project

Using VSC Trigger for SQL Code in a Java Project

Understanding Java Artifacts

Understanding CI Best Practices for Java

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037888 [source_title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cijava ) [cl-cjw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-cjw [hr_nid] => 154909 [title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

To serve in the best way heterogeneous development groups that are using various platforms simultaneously during their everyday work, we have merged various topics into a combined course that presents diverse secure coding subjects in didactic manner on a single training event. This course combines C/C++ and Java platform security to provide an extensive, cross-platform secure coding expertise.

Concerning C/C++, common security vulnerabilities are discussed, backed by practical exercises about the attacking methods that exploit these vulnerabilities, with the focus on the mitigation techniques that can be applied to prevent the occurrences of these dangerous bugs, detect them before market launch or prevent their exploitation.

Security components and service of Java are discussed by presenting the different APIs and tools through a number of practical exercises where participants can gain hands-on experience in using them. The course also covers security issues of web services and the related Java services that can be applied to prevent the most aching threats of the Internet based services. Finally, web- and Java-related security vulnerabilities are demonstrated by easy-to-understand exercises, which not only show the root cause of the problems, but also demonstrate the attack methods along with the recommended mitigation and coding techniques in order to avoid the associated security problems.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037230 [source_title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-cjw ) [cl-jad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jad [hr_nid] => 154849 [title] => Advanced Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced Java programmers are not mastering by all means the various security services offered by Java, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java.

The course – besides introducing security components of Standard Java Edition – deals with security issues of Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and web services. Discussion of specific services is preceded with the foundations of cryptography and secure communication. Various exercises deal with declarative and programmatic security techniques in JEE, while both transport-layer and end-to-end security of web services is discussed. The use of all components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform and web-related vulnerabilities. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1707138583 [source_title] => Advanced Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jad ) [cl-jpw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jpw [hr_nid] => 154917 [title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced programmers do not master by all means the various security services offered by their development platforms, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for their developments. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet.

Levels of Java security architecture are walked through by tackling access control, authentication and authorization, secure communication and various cryptographic functions. Various APIs are also introduced that can be used to secure your code in PHP, like OpenSSL for cryptography or HTML Purifier for input validation. On server side, the best practices are given for hardening and configuring the operating system, the web container, the file system, the SQL server and the PHP itself, while a special focus is given to client-side security through security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

General web vulnerabilities are discussed by examples aligned to the OWASP Top Ten, showing various injection attacks, script injections, attacks against session handling, insecure direct object references, issues with file uploads, and many others. The various Java- and PHP-specific language problems and issues stemming from the runtime environment are introduced grouped into the standard vulnerability types of missing or improper input validation, improper use of security features, incorrect error and exception handling, time- and state-related problems, code quality issues and mobile code-related vulnerabilities.

Participants can try out the discussed APIs, tools and the effects of configurations for themselves, while the introduction of vulnerabilities are all supported by a number of hands-on exercises demonstrating the consequences of successful attacks, showing how to correct the bugs and apply mitigation techniques, and introducing the use of various extensions and tools.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037231 [source_title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jpw ) [cl-jsc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jsc [hr_nid] => 154753 [title] => Standard Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


The Java language and the Runtime Environment (JRE) was designed to be free from the most problematic common security vulnerabilities experienced in other languages, like C/C++. Yet, software developers and architects should not only know how to use the various security features of the Java environment (positive security), but should also be aware of the numerous vulnerabilities that are still relevant for Java development (negative security).

The introduction of security services is preceded with a brief overview of the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of these components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform, covering both the typical bugs committed by Java programmers and the language- and environment-specific issues. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Standard Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jsc ) [cl-jwa] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jwa [hr_nid] => 154757 [title] => Java and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


Beyond solid knowledge in using Java components, even for experienced Java programmers it is essential to have a deep knowledge in web-related vulnerabilities both on server and client side, the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java, and the consequences of the various risks.

General web-based vulnerabilities are demonstrated through presenting the relevant attacks, while the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods are explained in the context of Java with the most important aim to avoid the associated problems. In addition, a special focus is given to client-side security tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

The course introduces security components of Standard Java Edition, which is preceded with the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of all components is presented through practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

Finally, the course explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Java and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jwa ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => akkabgad [1] => mlfsas [2] => scalaadvancedfunctional [3] => scalaprog [4] => sparkscala [5] => 3627 [6] => cleanc [7] => lnxnetp [8] => 3059 [9] => cijava [10] => cl-cjw [11] => cl-jad [12] => cl-jpw [13] => cl-jsc [14] => cl-jwa ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [classroom guaranteed] => 3650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3650 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [classroom guaranteed] => 4550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2275 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [classroom guaranteed] => 5451 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1817 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [classroom guaranteed] => 6352 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1588 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [classroom guaranteed] => 7250 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [classroom guaranteed] => 8148 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1358 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [classroom guaranteed] => 9051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [classroom guaranteed] => 9952 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1244 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [classroom guaranteed] => 10854 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1206 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [classroom guaranteed] => 11750 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1175 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [adp] => 750 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [adp] => 750 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [adp] => 750 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [adp] => 750 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [adp] => 750 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [adp] => 750 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [adp] => 750 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [adp] => 750 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [adp] => 750 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [adp] => 750 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 4 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [473415] => Array ( [title] => Advanced Java Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Paulina [body] => Pushing changes on an ongoing basis, when on the 3rd day I started to get more lost than before and it was harder to spot the error quickly, I was quickly able to check out the latest changes and stay up to date with the material [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 473415 ) [458799] => Array ( [title] => Java Advanced [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Kamil - Streamsoft Kraków [body] =>

A large amount of practical knowledge shown in real-life examples.

[mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 458799 ) [393203] => Array ( [title] => Clean Code [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Ben van Oeveren - Movella [body] => The teacher addressed many relevant topics for clean coding with practical examples. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 393203 ) [280846] => Array ( [title] => Java and Web Application Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Constantinos Michael [body] => Very good knowledge and character. [mc] => Very good knowledge and character. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 280846 ) ) [7] => 4.5 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) ) NP URI: Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php:82 Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [line] => 82 [function] => myErrorHandler [args] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => Undefined array key "nobleprog_site_production_url" [2] => /apps/nobleprog-website/includes/functions/new-modules-general-functions.php [3] => 82 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/islc7.module [line] => 131 [function] => variable_get [args] => Array ( [0] => nobleprog_site_production_url ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/drupal7/sites/all/modules/_custom/frontend/islc7/ [line] => 44 [function] => islc_get_current_site [args] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php [line] => 265 [function] => islc7_sites_links_array_v3 [args] => Array ( ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 85 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/nptemplates/default.php ) [function] => require_once ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/modules/course/course.php [line] => 31 [function] => course_render [args] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [course_code] => scalaadvanced [hr_nid] => 208837 [title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. Scala code runs on a JVM and was designed to address some of the shortcomings of Java.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features, including its type system, to write better code using an object-functional approach.  

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Object-Functional Programming

Mastering the Scala Type System

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Using Scala Implicit

Libraries and DSLs

Working with Scala Collections

Functional Exception Handling

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Object-Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1929 [alias] => scala-training [name] => Scala [english_name] => Scala [consulting_option] => available ) ) [2] => scalaadvanced [3] => Array ( [outlines] => Array ( [akkabgad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => akkabgad [hr_nid] => 291139 [title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

This training outline is intended to bring attendees from a beginner to an intermediate/advanced level in the understanding and knowledge of the Akka framework.

The entire course is hands on, mostly driven by the trainer in the beginning and progressively shifting towards the attendees producing code themselves (and downloading implementations/solutions written by the trainer).

Attendees are not expected to have prior knowledge of Scala, the trainer will take the necessary time to explain and clarify all the intricacies that relate to the Scala code used.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction,  environment Setup and a first application

Actors & Typed Actors

Fault Tolerance - Actor Lifecycle & State


Dispatchers & Routes



Transactions (time permitting)


JMX and REST interfaces

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037441 [source_title] => Akka - from Beginner to Intermediate [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => akkabgad ) [mlfsas] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => mlfsas [hr_nid] => 113918 [title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [requirements] =>

Knowledge of Java/Scala programming language. Basic familiarity with statistics and linear algebra is recommended.

[overview] =>

The aim of this course is to provide a basic proficiency in applying Machine Learning methods in practice. Through the use of the Scala programming language and its various libraries, and based on a multitude of practical examples this course teaches how to use the most important building blocks of Machine Learning, how to make data modeling decisions, interpret the outputs of the algorithms and validate the results.

Our goal is to give you the skills to understand and use the most fundamental tools from the Machine Learning toolbox confidently and avoid the common pitfalls of Data Sciences applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Introduction to Applied Machine Learning

Machine Learning with Scala



Cross-validation and Resampling

Unsupervised Learning

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037188 [source_title] => Machine Learning Fundamentals with Scala and Apache Spark [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => mlfsas ) [scalaadvancedfunctional] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaadvancedfunctional [hr_nid] => 208841 [title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a concise, object-oriented language with functional programming features, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching.

In this instructor-led, live training participants will learn how to use Scala's advanced features to develop well-constructed software that is easy to write, read, test, and change. The focus of this training is on functional programming, using real-world case studies and discussion as a reference for lab exercises and activities.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the course

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Overview of Functional Programming in Scala

Mastering Scala Types

Mastering Scala Type Classes

Case Study: Highly-stateful programs with complex external systems

Coding Exercise

Working with Data

Advanced Pattern Matching in Scala

Case Study: Scala and Big Data

Coding Exercise

Using Functional Patterns

Working with Effects

Case Study

Coding Exercise

Functional Architecture

Libraries and DSLs

Functional Exception Handling

Final Coding Exercise and Evaluation

Closing Remarks

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037308 [source_title] => Scala: Advanced Functional Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaadvancedfunctional ) [scalaprog] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => scalaprog [hr_nid] => 3628 [title] => Programming in Scala [requirements] => [overview] =>

The training aims to provide opportunities Scala language, learning the syntax of programming paradigms, and space applications.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Basics of Scala

Object-Oriented Programming

Functional Programming


Other aspects of the Scala language

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Programming in Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => scalaprog ) [sparkscala] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => sparkscala [hr_nid] => 327415 [title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Scala is a condensed version of Java for large scale functional and object-oriented programming. Apache Spark Streaming is an extended component of the Spark API for processing big data sets as real-time streams. Together, Spark Streaming and Scala enable the streaming of big data.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at software engineers who wish to stream big data with Spark Streaming and Scala.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>


Scala Programming in Depth Review

Spark Internals

Overview of Spark Streaming

Preparing the Development Environment

Spark Streaming Beginner to Advanced

Spark and Clusters

Integration in Spark Streaming

In Production

Summary and Conclusion

[language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037552 [source_title] => Apache Spark Streaming with Scala [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => sparkscala ) [3627] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3627 [hr_nid] => 3627 [title] => Introduction to Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

The purpose of the training is to provide a basis for programming from the ground up to the general syntax of programming paradigms. The training is supported by examples based on programming languages ​​such as C, Java, Python, Scala, C #, Closure and JavaScript. During the training, participants gain a general understanding of both the programming patterns, best practices, commonly used design and review of the implementation of these topics through various platforms. Each of the issues discussed during the course are illustrated with examples of both the most basic and more advanced and based on real problems.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>


Reminder issues of logic and Boolean algebra

The first program

Simple types

Data structures


Controlling the program

Creating a reusable code

Functional programming paradigms

The paradigms of object-oriented programming

Good programming practice

Overview of these technologies and languages

[language] => en [duration] => 35 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037115 [source_title] => Introduction to Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3627 ) [cleanc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cleanc [hr_nid] => 277178 [title] => Clean Code [requirements] =>

There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

[overview] =>

Why do we need Clean Code? Programs evolve, therefore the code is continuously updated it can be very, very difficult to go back through unclean code to find and update the source code on average, the cost of writing the original code is only 40% of the total cost of a system; 60% of the cost, on average, is spent maintaining and updating code. Bad code dramatically increases that 40/60 ratio, bordering on 20/80 in the worst cases; the more unclean the code is, the more time we just spend updating it.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Day 1


Good and standardized naming

-names of packages, files, classes, voids and functions as well as variables need to have meaningful names derived from their purpose

-should be readable

-should be searchable

-consider the namespace we're generating; does it make sense?

Classes, objects and data structures

-there's a difference between objects that do something and structures that simply contain data

-when to use data structures, and why

-when to use objects, and why

-OOD and abastraction

-getters/setters and why

-better to have many small classes, with many small voids and functions

Good comments

-there are good and bad comments;

-we need to know how to generate good comments and forget about the rest


Day 2


-one thing only


-arguments (good and bad)

-unintended side effects

Error handling

-when to handle errors, when to let them bubble up

-if we handle an exception, what do we do with it and why

-custom error handling classes

Code Formatting: how can we better format the code

Test-Driven Design: Open discussion of Uncle Bob's idea that programs should be TDD


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037367 [source_title] => Clean Code [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cleanc ) [lnxnetp] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => lnxnetp [hr_nid] => 113146 [title] => Linux Network Programming [requirements] => [overview] =>

This course is addressed to junior software developers. After the course completion, the trainees will be able to understand the architecture of well-known web servers such as Apache or Nginx, and implement their own network programs.

The course is 67% lectures, 33% hands-on exercises.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>
  1. Sockets
  2. Handling more than one client in a simple way
  3. Waiting for data
  4. Organizing reads and writes
  5. Event-driven architecture
  6. Problem of 10000 connections
  7. Timeouts and timers
  8. Integration with the operating system
  9. Performance and scalability optimizations


[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037181 [source_title] => Linux Network Programming [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => lnxnetp ) [3059] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => 3059 [hr_nid] => 3059 [title] => Java Advanced [requirements] =>

Knowledge of the issues discussed in the Java Fundamentals course.

[overview] =>

During the training participant will know the specific use of selected issues, the basic problems encountered when using them, and the role of the application model. The training also includes a basic knowledge of the language standard library functions. Training requires knowledge of the development environment IDE used to build Java applications (e.g.. Eclipse, Netbeans). Training does not include a user interface issues.

[category_overview] => [outline] =>

Abstract class

The role of classes, abstract classes and interfaces in the application model

The role of dynamic and static objects in the application model

Operations with simple types and wrapper classes

Special Objects Java, the class String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Reminder basic properties of the String class and discuss the treatment of String objects by the virtual machine

The use of buffer classes and operate on chains

Formatting and parsing, regular expressions

I / O operations

Classes inside - detailed discussion

Topics - detailed discussion, applications and problems

Reflections Java - Introduction and application

Java Serialization

[language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1715084541 [source_title] => Java Advanced [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => 3059 ) [cijava] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cijava [hr_nid] => 412931 [title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [requirements] =>


[overview] =>

Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice of automating the process of merging code changes into the central repository as often as possible to detect and locate errors quickly.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

Format of the Course

Course Customization Options

[category_overview] =>

This instructor-led, live training in <loc> (online or onsite) is aimed at developers who wish to learn and apply the basics of Continuous Integration for Java.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:

[outline] =>

Introduction to Continuous Integration (CI)

Overview of CI Tools for Java

Overview of Jenkins

Installing and Setting Up Jenkins and Git

Setting Up CI in Jenkins

Working on a Project in Jenkins

Overview of a Java Project

Building CI Pipeline for Java

Using VCS Trigger for a Java Project

Using VSC Trigger for SQL Code in a Java Project

Understanding Java Artifacts

Understanding CI Best Practices for Java

Summary and Next Steps

[language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037888 [source_title] => Continuous Integration (CI) for Java [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => -1001 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cijava ) [cl-cjw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-cjw [hr_nid] => 154909 [title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

To serve in the best way heterogeneous development groups that are using various platforms simultaneously during their everyday work, we have merged various topics into a combined course that presents diverse secure coding subjects in didactic manner on a single training event. This course combines C/C++ and Java platform security to provide an extensive, cross-platform secure coding expertise.

Concerning C/C++, common security vulnerabilities are discussed, backed by practical exercises about the attacking methods that exploit these vulnerabilities, with the focus on the mitigation techniques that can be applied to prevent the occurrences of these dangerous bugs, detect them before market launch or prevent their exploitation.

Security components and service of Java are discussed by presenting the different APIs and tools through a number of practical exercises where participants can gain hands-on experience in using them. The course also covers security issues of web services and the related Java services that can be applied to prevent the most aching threats of the Internet based services. Finally, web- and Java-related security vulnerabilities are demonstrated by easy-to-understand exercises, which not only show the root cause of the problems, but also demonstrate the attack methods along with the recommended mitigation and coding techniques in order to avoid the associated security problems.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037230 [source_title] => Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-cjw ) [cl-jad] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jad [hr_nid] => 154849 [title] => Advanced Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced Java programmers are not mastering by all means the various security services offered by Java, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java.

The course – besides introducing security components of Standard Java Edition – deals with security issues of Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and web services. Discussion of specific services is preceded with the foundations of cryptography and secure communication. Various exercises deal with declarative and programmatic security techniques in JEE, while both transport-layer and end-to-end security of web services is discussed. The use of all components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform and web-related vulnerabilities. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1707138583 [source_title] => Advanced Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jad ) [cl-jpw] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jpw [hr_nid] => 154917 [title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>

Even experienced programmers do not master by all means the various security services offered by their development platforms, and are likewise not aware of the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for their developments. This course targets developers using both Java and PHP, providing them essential skills necessary to make their applications resistant to contemporary attacks through the Internet.

Levels of Java security architecture are walked through by tackling access control, authentication and authorization, secure communication and various cryptographic functions. Various APIs are also introduced that can be used to secure your code in PHP, like OpenSSL for cryptography or HTML Purifier for input validation. On server side, the best practices are given for hardening and configuring the operating system, the web container, the file system, the SQL server and the PHP itself, while a special focus is given to client-side security through security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

General web vulnerabilities are discussed by examples aligned to the OWASP Top Ten, showing various injection attacks, script injections, attacks against session handling, insecure direct object references, issues with file uploads, and many others. The various Java- and PHP-specific language problems and issues stemming from the runtime environment are introduced grouped into the standard vulnerability types of missing or improper input validation, improper use of security features, incorrect error and exception handling, time- and state-related problems, code quality issues and mobile code-related vulnerabilities.

Participants can try out the discussed APIs, tools and the effects of configurations for themselves, while the introduction of vulnerabilities are all supported by a number of hands-on exercises demonstrating the consequences of successful attacks, showing how to correct the bugs and apply mitigation techniques, and introducing the use of various extensions and tools.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 28 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037231 [source_title] => Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jpw ) [cl-jsc] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jsc [hr_nid] => 154753 [title] => Standard Java Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


The Java language and the Runtime Environment (JRE) was designed to be free from the most problematic common security vulnerabilities experienced in other languages, like C/C++. Yet, software developers and architects should not only know how to use the various security features of the Java environment (positive security), but should also be aware of the numerous vulnerabilities that are still relevant for Java development (negative security).

The introduction of security services is preceded with a brief overview of the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of these components is presented through several practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs for themselves.

The course also goes through and explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform, covering both the typical bugs committed by Java programmers and the language- and environment-specific issues. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 14 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Standard Java Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jsc ) [cl-jwa] => stdClass Object ( [course_code] => cl-jwa [hr_nid] => 154757 [title] => Java and Web Application Security [requirements] => [overview] =>


Beyond solid knowledge in using Java components, even for experienced Java programmers it is essential to have a deep knowledge in web-related vulnerabilities both on server and client side, the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for web applications written in Java, and the consequences of the various risks.

General web-based vulnerabilities are demonstrated through presenting the relevant attacks, while the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods are explained in the context of Java with the most important aim to avoid the associated problems. In addition, a special focus is given to client-side security tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5.

The course introduces security components of Standard Java Edition, which is preceded with the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of all components is presented through practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves.

Finally, the course explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the introduced security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques.

Participants attending this course will



[category_overview] => [outline] => [language] => en [duration] => 21 [status] => published [changed] => 1700037227 [source_title] => Java and Web Application Security [source_language] => en [cert_code] => [weight] => 0 [excluded_sites] => [use_mt] => stdClass Object ( [field_overview] => [field_course_outline] => [field_prerequisits] => [field_overview_in_category] => ) [cc] => cl-jwa ) ) [codes] => Array ( [0] => akkabgad [1] => mlfsas [2] => scalaadvancedfunctional [3] => scalaprog [4] => sparkscala [5] => 3627 [6] => cleanc [7] => lnxnetp [8] => 3059 [9] => cijava [10] => cl-cjw [11] => cl-jad [12] => cl-jpw [13] => cl-jsc [14] => cl-jwa ) ) [4] => Array ( [regions] => Array ( [ve_1805] => Array ( [tid] => ve_1805 [title] => Caracas [sales_area] => ve_venezuela [venues] => Array ( [ve_10638169] => Array ( [vid] => ve_10638169 [title] => Caracas - Centro Lido [vfdc] => 250.00 [prices] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [classroom guaranteed] => 3650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [delegates] => 1 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 3650 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [classroom guaranteed] => 4550 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [delegates] => 2 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 2275 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [classroom guaranteed] => 5451 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [delegates] => 3 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1817 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [classroom guaranteed] => 6352 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [delegates] => 4 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1588 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [classroom guaranteed] => 7250 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [delegates] => 5 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1450 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [classroom guaranteed] => 8148 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [delegates] => 6 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1358 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [classroom guaranteed] => 9051 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [delegates] => 7 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1293 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [classroom guaranteed] => 9952 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [delegates] => 8 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1244 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [classroom guaranteed] => 10854 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [delegates] => 9 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1206 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [classroom guaranteed] => 11750 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [delegates] => 10 [adp] => 750 [classroom guaranteed per delegate] => 1175 ) ) ) ) ) ) [remote] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 3150 [adp] => 750 ) [2] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 3900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1950 [adp] => 750 ) [3] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 4650 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1550 [adp] => 750 ) [4] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 5400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1350 [adp] => 750 ) [5] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6150 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1230 [adp] => 750 ) [6] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 6900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1150 [adp] => 750 ) [7] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 7651 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1093 [adp] => 750 ) [8] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 8400 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1050 [adp] => 750 ) [9] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9153 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 1017 [adp] => 750 ) [10] => Array ( [remote guaranteed] => 9900 [remote guaranteed per delegate] => 990 [adp] => 750 ) ) [currency] => USD ) [5] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 4 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 ) [6] => Array ( [473415] => Array ( [title] => Advanced Java Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Paulina [body] => Pushing changes on an ongoing basis, when on the 3rd day I started to get more lost than before and it was harder to spot the error quickly, I was quickly able to check out the latest changes and stay up to date with the material [mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 473415 ) [458799] => Array ( [title] => Java Advanced [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Kamil - Streamsoft Kraków [body] =>

A large amount of practical knowledge shown in real-life examples.

[mc] => [is_mt] => 1 [nid] => 458799 ) [393203] => Array ( [title] => Clean Code [rating] => 4 [delegate_and_company] => Ben van Oeveren - Movella [body] => The teacher addressed many relevant topics for clean coding with practical examples. [mc] => [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 393203 ) [280846] => Array ( [title] => Java and Web Application Security [rating] => 5 [delegate_and_company] => Constantinos Michael [body] => Very good knowledge and character. [mc] => Very good knowledge and character. [is_mt] => 0 [nid] => 280846 ) ) [7] => 4.5 [8] => 1 [9] => 1 [10] => ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php [line] => 19 [function] => course_menu_callback [args] => Array ( [0] => /en/cc/scalaadvanced ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php [line] => 100 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/core/routes.php ) [function] => require_once ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php [line] => 26 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/__index.php ) [function] => include_once ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /apps/hitra7/index.php [line] => 54 [args] => Array ( [0] => /apps/nobleprog-website/_index.php ) [function] => include_once ) )