Course Outline


  • Overview of Debezium Features and Architecture
  • Change Data Capture (CDC) use cases
    • Data replication
    • Updating / invalidating a cache
    • Updating search indexes
    • Data synchronization in microservices

Setup and Installation

  • Setting up the Development Environment
  • Conventional installation approach.
  • Using Docker and Debezium container images.

Getting Started

  • Choosing the database
  • Starting Zookeeper
  • Starting Kafka
  • Starting the connector service
  • Registering the connector
  • Configuring serialization, routing, message filtering, signals, etc.

Working with the Database

  • How data capture works
  • Understanding event streams
  • Working with database topologies (standalone, clusters, etc.)

Debezium in Action

  • Inserting, updating, and deleting a record
  • Purging a cache
  • Updating search indexes
  • Generating derived views and data
  • Syncing data sources

Other Implementations

  • Debezium Server
  • Embedded Debezium

Working with Debezium API

  • Understanding the Debezium engine
  • Working with the debezium-api module
  • Handling dependencies
  • Working with messages


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of database concepts
  • Experience with software development concepts


  • Developers
  • Database professionals
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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