Descubra nuestros cursos
Advanced C++
35 HorasCodificación Segura C / C ++
21 HorasC ++ para Sistemas Integrados
21 HorasC++ 11 Programming
14 HorasC++, QT, ZeroMQ and Protocol Buffers
35 HorasFunctional Programming with C++
14 HorasIntroducción a LaTex
14 HorasDiseño Avanzado de Software C ++
35 HorasProgramación en C ++
35 HorasProgramación QT
21 HorasÚltima Actualización:
Enjoyed the flexibility and variety of topics, the combination of trainings and exercises meant that I could apply what I'd learnt straight away. I also enjoyed the projects on the last day to bring everything together.
Luca Ricagni - Rockwell Collins UK Limited
Curso - Advanced C++
El excelente nivel de conocimientos del instructor, la disposición y su amabilidad.
Luis Antonio Salazar Rivero - Banco de México
Curso - C/C++ Secure Coding
Interactivity, time for self-contained programming. I learn easier if I have the chance to find out the answer and not just telling me it. It was also a very good thing that the training was well-planned, we kept coffee pauses and the training did not lose my attention. The trainer had very deep knowledge in C++, we felt we could ask anything.
Barna Szécsi - GIS Europe SE
Curso - C++ for Embedded Systems
Los conocimientos del instructor.
Juan José López Martínez - Banco de México
Curso - Advanced C++ Software Design
The trainer was very well versed in the subject matter being discussed, he impressed all of us with his knowledge and ability. I believe some of the examples may not have been planned (they were based on questions asked). However, you would never tell, as they were presented as if fully planned. The pace was good, there was plenty of time for questions, and the Trainer did really well in terms of interacting with those being trained.
Martin Fowell - Raytheon Australia
Curso - Writing Simpler Cleaner Code with C++ 17
The details on how compiler behaves depending on to the syntax usage. The "Quiz" sections are very stimulating
Andrea Pomatto
Curso - Using C++ in Embedded Systems - Applying C++11/C++14
Buenos ejemplos, concéntrese en el material más útil
Piotr Sowiński - Intel Technology Poland
Curso - Object Oriented Programming with C++
Traducción Automática
Great training atmosphere.
April Faith Manabat - Controtek Solutions Inc
Curso - QT Programming
En mi humilde opinión, el entrenador, nos ha explicado todo con un ritmo perfecto manteniendo el equilibrio entre el material teórico y práctico. Aparte de esto, el material estaba bien.
Héctor González Gómez - ZITRO LABORATORY
Curso - C ++ 11 Programación
Traducción Automática
Excellent trainer with huge knowledge about the subject.