Miguel's knowledge of the subject was extensive. He made the training easy to understand and the flow was balanced; adding on to each section with new features as needed. He covered everything that was asked and answered each and every question thoroughly. It was a very pleasant experience.
Paul Coaton - SEMPCheck Services
Curso - Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
The trainer was enthusiastic, kind, and loved the topic
Isaac Murphy - Royal New Zealand Airforce
Curso - Build Native iOS and Android Apps with Flutter
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Cursos de Fin de Semana de Flutter, Capacitación por la Tarde de Flutter, Flutter boot camp, Clases de Flutter, Capacitación de Fin de Semana de Flutter, Cursos por la Tarde de Flutter, Flutter coaching, Instructor de Flutter, Capacitador de Flutter, Flutter con instructor, Cursos de Formación de Flutter, Flutter en sitio, Cursos Privados de Flutter, Clases Particulares de Flutter, Capacitación empresarial de Flutter, Talleres para empresas de Flutter, Cursos en linea de Flutter, Programas de capacitación de Flutter, Clases de Flutter